Virtual Tabletops supported
- Roll 20
- Foundry VTT
- Discord Integration – Instructions
- DOM custom events, allowing any VTT to integrate with Beyond20 natively
- Beyond 20 Integrated Dice Roller
- D&D Beyond Digital Dice Integration
Feature list
See the Screenshots page for a video tour of some of the features listed here.
The number of features Beyond20 supports has grown too long to have an exaustive list, so the list below is out-of-date but shows the main core things supported by the extension
Character Sheet
- Ability checks
- Saving throws
- Skill checks
- Custom skills
- Tools
- Instruments
- Initiative rolls
- Rolls with Advantage if the character has the feat
- Adds the initiative to the tracker
- Support for custom roll and damage dice bonuses
- Mellee weapon attacks
- Ranged weapon attacks
- Support for Two-handed damage
- Support for weapons dealing more than one type of damage
- Support for custom weapons
- Support for critical damage
- Attack spells
- Support for multiple damages
- Support spells with saving throw or To-Hit, or with straight damage
- Can display the spell instead of rolling it if wanted
- Hit dice
- Supports multi-classing
- Death saving throws
+ X
modifier in descriptions (Will roll a1d20 + X
)- The attack spell modifiers can be clicked to roll the dice if needed
- Dice formulas in descriptions can be clicked to roll the dice
- Dice formulas are detected in items, spells, actions or custom actions, class features, racial traits or Feats
- The dice formula is clickable in the D&D beyond side panel, as well as in the VTT chat text
- The clickable dice can be disabled to not show in the D&D Beyond page or in the VTT text, separately
- Roll Superiority Dice
- Roll Bardic Inspiration Dice
- Condition tracking
- Creatures stat blocks
- Vehicles stat blocks
- Integration with the D&D Beyond digital dice roller
Monsters and Character creatures
- Hit points
- Initiative roll
- Ability checks
- Saving throws
- Skills
- Dice formulas in features/action descriptions
- Ranged and Melee weapon attacks
- Display spells from tooltip information
- Monsters from the My Encounters page directly supported
- Ability checks
- Attacks
Spell, Item or Source Pages
- Dice formulas from description
- Display button to display the spell or item card
- Roll tables
- Displaying of “Speak aloud” text boxes
Information sharing
- Spell cards can be displayed in VTT
- Higher level casts will be detected and shown
- Attack spells can also be displayed instead of rolled
- Attack spells with material components will have the material printed
- Equipment Items
- Weapons can also be displayed instead of rolled
- Actions and custom actions
- Class feature
- Racial traits
- Feats
- Character traits
Special Class Features/Racial Traits/Feats supported
- Feat: Sharpshooter
- Feat: Great Weapon Master
- Feat: Elemental Adept
- Feat: Elven Accuracy (Via super advantage option)
- Feat: Flames of Phlegethos
- Feat: Polearm Master
- Aasimar: Radiant Soul
- Artificer: Arcane Firearm
- Artificer: Alchemical Savant
- Artificer: Armorer Power Armor
- Barbarian: Rage
- Barbarian: Brutal Critical
- Barbarian: Indomitable Might
- Barbarian: Divine Fury
- Bard: Blade Flourish
- Bard: Psychic Blades
- Bard: Jack of All Trades
- Bloodhunter: Crimson Rite
- Cleric: Disciple of Life (Life domain)
- Cleric: Divine Strike
- Cleric: Supreme Healing
- Druid: Enhanced Bond
- Fighter: Maneuvers
- Fighter: Improved Critical and Superior Critical (Champion)
- Fighter: Rune Knight’s Giant Might (UA)
- Fighter: Remarkable Athlete
- Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting
- Paladin: Legendary Strike (UA)
- Paladin: Improved Divine Smite
- Paladin: Invincible Conqueror
- Ranger: Dread Ambusher
- Ranger: Colossus Slayer
- Ranger: Planar Warrior
- Ranger: Slayer’s Prey
- Ranger: Gathered Swarm
- Ranger: Fey Wanderer’s Dreadful Strikes
- Rogue: Sneak Attack
- Rogue: Assassinate
- Rogue: Reliable Talent
- Sorcerer: Elemental Affinity
- Warlock: Hexblade’s Curse
- Half-Orc: Savage Attacks
- Halfling: Luck
- etc…
Special Spells supported
- Chromatic Orb: Macro to ask which damage type to use
- Chaos Bolt: Damage type set to ‘chaotic energy’ instead of rolling for each damage (Roll20) or query damage type depending on roll result.
- Absorb Elements: Damage type is set to ‘Absorbed type’ instead of rolling each
- Toll the Dead: Queries the player if the enemy is missing hit points
- Life Transference: Healing is shown equal to the necrotic damage
Configurable options
- Whisper rolls (yes, no, query the user)
- Whisper rolls for monsters only
- Incognito rolls for monster pages
- Roll types (normal, roll twice, roll thrice, query the user, roll with advantage, roll with disadvantage, roll with super advantage, roll with super disadvantage)
- Auto roll damage and crit
- Add initiative to the tracker (requires token to be selected)
- Automatically update HP and Temp HP in the VTT sheets and tokens
- Roll20 Character Sheet Template to use
- D&D 5E By Roll20
- Other Templates
- Replace dice formulas in VTT text
- Add dice formulas roller icon to D&D Beyond spell page and character sheet
- Add dice formulas roller icon to D&D Beyond stat blocks
- Add roll buttons to monster, creature and vehicle stat blocks
- Prefix to add to critical hit damage
- Critical hit additional damage rules
- Standard PHB rule (reroll dice)
- Homebrew Rule: Perfect rolls
- Homebrew Rule: Add modifiers to rolls
- Homebrew Rule: Reroll all the damages
- Components to display during a spell attack
- All components (V, S, M)
- Only material components if needed
- No components
- Prefix to display with spell components during an attack
- VTT tab specific options
- Select a tab to send all rolls to
- Select the campaign (Roll2) or world (Foundry VTT) to send the rolls to
- Send rolls to All tabs, Only Roll20 Tabs, Only Foundry VTT Tabs
- D&D Beyond character specific options
- Custom roll dice formula bonus
- Custom damage dice formula bonus
- Versatile weapon choice (one-handed, two-handed, roll both options)
- Send sneak attack damage (Only Rogues)
- Send Disciple of Life healing bonus (Only Life domain Cleric)
- Add Jack of all Trades bonus to raw ability checks (Only Bards >= 2nd level)
- Apply Sharpshooter Feat for the next roll (Only if Feat is available)
- Apply Great Weapon Master Feat for the next roll (Only if Feat is available)
- Add Brutal Critical and Savage Attacks damage to critical hits (Only Barbarians with the feature, or Half-Orcs)
- Add Rage damage and advantage on STR checks (Only Barbarians)
Roll20 Character Sheet Templates
- D&D 5e By Roll20
- This is the official character sheet template I used and developed for and the one I recommend
- Fallback option for all other templates
- Automatically detect character sheet template
- Chrome support
- Firefox support
- Friendly developer :)
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Powered by Foundry VTT, it brings a ton of improvements and makes using the VTT as easy as using Beyond20.
A special thank you to all the contributors, Discord moderators and other team members who are donating their time to continually keep Beyond20 improving. ❤