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Integrating D&D Beyond seamlessly with Virtual Tabletops

Beyond20’s API

Beyond20 has an internal API that it uses to communicate events between D&D Beyond and the VTT sites. This page will describe that API so it can be better understood by fellow developers wanting to make use of Beyond20. There are 3 types of APIs that Beyond20 includes.

Table of Contents


The architecture of the Beyond20 extension is relatively simple, in that the extension loads scripts into the Character Sheet pages as well as the VTT pages. Beyond20 also has a background script that runs permanently and is the glue between the Sheet and VTT pages, allowing them to communicate with each other. A Sheet page can be anything, from a D&D Beyond Character Sheet, to a Spell description page, or a NPC page, or even the Encounter combat tracker. Those are all considered “character sheets” with a very loose definition of what a “character” is. With the recent addition of support for custom domains, a character sheet could also be any non D&D Beyond site. Similarly, a VTT tab can be any site able to receive a roll request and process it.

Message API

Beyond20 uses the browser extension’s sendMessage API in order to communicate between one tab and another. Some of these messages are only going as far as the Beyond20 background process, while others will get forwarded to any other websites that Beyond20 supports.

Every message sent this way will have a field action which determines what the message represents, and additional fields that are specific to the action.

In the documentation below, any reference to a ‘tab’ will mean a browser tab and will therefor represent any website page(whether from D&D Beyond or a VTT or even the browser popup dialog when clicking the Beyond20 icon in the address bar)

The easiest way to get examples and see what kind of data is being sent would be to open the dev console and make rolls with Beyond20. The console should display whenever it’s sending a message, giving you access to the full data.

Here is a list of the messages that are supported and what they do:

Tab->Background specific messages

These are messages that a tab can send to the background Beyond20 process

Tab->Tab forwarded messages

These are messages that can only be sent to a specific tab via the forward message. These are used by the browser popup to communicate with the tab it was open on.

Tab<->Tab dispatched messages

These are messages that a tab can send to every other registered tab at once

Message events

As can be seen above, there are multiple messages that can be sent between a tab and Beyond20, a tab and another tab, or a tab and all other tabs.

We’ll now describe the action as well as the data format of these messages:


The activate-icon allows the background process to set the browser popup as active and set the correct popup to display. Without this event being sent, any clicks on the beyond20 icon in the address bar will popup a “This is not a VTT tab” dialog. In the case of FVTT or a custom domain for a supported VTT, this will also load into the page the content script needed to support Beyond20.

Message Format:

    action, // <String> Must be "activate-icon",
    tab,    // <Tabs.Tab> (Optional) can be a `Tab` object to activate on a specific tab rather than our own (used by browser popup)

Does not return a reply message.


Injects into the current tab the alertify library with its CSS, which allows the use of the alertify API function to pop open a Beyond20-styled alerts. Note that alertify is automatically loaded into Roll20, FVTT and Custom domain sites. This is only used to load alertify into D&D Beyond pages manually, as Beyond20 does not do it automatically due to tinyMCE iframes corrupting comment chat boxes in monster pages.

Message Format:

    action // <String> Must be "load-alertify"

Sends an empty reply message when alertify has been loaded into the page.


Asks the Background script to reload the current page, this is the equivalent of calling window.location.reload() but for content scripts.

Message Format:

    action // <String> Must be "reload-me"

Does not return a reply message.


Registers the current tab as being a FVTT tab so it can receive forwarded messages from Beyond20

Message Format:

    action // <String> Must be "register-fvtt-tab"

Does not return a reply message.


Registers a custom domain tab as being a generic tab so it can receive forwarded messages from Beyond20

Message Format:

    action // <String> Must be "register-generic-tab"

Does not return a reply message.


Request the background script to send information about the current tab

Message Format:

    action // <String> Must be "get-current-tab"

Responds with a message containing the tab information. Refer to the API for the format.


Request the background script to forward the current message to a specific tab (used by the browser popup). Note that the message being forwarded will have its own action field.

Message Format:

    action,  // <String> Must be "forward"
    tab,     // <Tabs.Tab> The tab to forward the request to
    message  // <Object> The message object to forward to the tab

Will respond with whatever the tab responds with (no response if the message does not warrant one)


Request the site to pop open the Beyond20 options modal. This is used by the browser popup when the user clicks “More Options”. Must be sent through a forward message to a specific tab.

Message Format:

    action,  // <String> Must be "open-options"

Does not return a reply message.


Request the site to return information on the current character. Must be sent through a forward message to a specific tab.

    action,  // <String> Must be "get-character"

Returns a Beyond20Character object as response.


Event to notify of an update to the Beyond20 settings. Gets forwarded to all registered tabs.

Message Format:

    action,    // <String> Must be "settings"
    type,      // <String> Can be "general" to report Beyond20 general settings, or "character" for character-specific settings
    settings,  // <Object> The newly updated settings
    id         // <String> The unique ID of the character sheet if the type is set to "character" (ignored for type="general")

Does not return a reply message.


Make a roll request. This message occurs when a user clicks on a character sheet’s button to make a roll. In this instance “character sheet” follows the loose definition of what a character sheet is (a Spell can be considered a character), and a “roll” is also a loose definition where it could just be “display this spell card” or “display this to message to the chat log”.

Due to the various types of rolls available and the complexities involved in each type of roll, the more detailed breakdown of each roll type and its message format is detailed separated below under the Roll types section.

Message Format:

    action,     // <String> Must be "roll"
    type,       // <String> The type of roll being made
    character,  // <Beyond20Character> The character that made the roll
    roll,       // <String> The dice roll formula to roll as a fallback if the specific roll data is not recognized
    advantage,  // <RollType> The kind of roll advantage to use for this roll
    whisper,    // <WhisperType> The whisper setting used for this roll
    preview,    // <String> (Optional) A URL to an image for the weapon/item/spell/etc.. used for the roll
    ...         // Extra arguments are added based on the type of roll being made

Returns a report about whether the request was successfully forwarded to a VTT. See format

Structure definition of non standard fields: Beyond20Character, WhisperType and RollType


Request the display of a pre-rolled and pre-rendered roll that was made. This is equivalent to the roll event above, but uses the Beyond20 RollRenderer to roll the dice (if needed) and generate an html output from the results. This will usually be sent in place of a roll event when the user has the D&D Beyond Digital Dice enabled and the actual dice rolls are made on D&D Beyond’s side, rather than needing to be rolled on the VTT side. When receiving a rendered-roll message, if the VTT supports displaying html, then the message.html could be added to the chat log and it would contain everything needed with no additional processing required. It could also ignore the html property and rebuild the result by using the other fields included in the message, which would contain all the information required to rebuild the roll, including all the roll results and totals calculation (in case of an attack roll which includes damage), etc…

Message Format:

    action,         // <String> Must be "rendered-roll"
    rendered,       // <String> (Optional) If this value is set, and its value is "fallback", it means that the roll was 
                    // not made as part of the user's roll (DDB Digital Dice) but rather, it was pre-rendered as a
                    // fallback in case the site does not support dice rolling. 
    request,        // <Request> The original `roll` request that was rendered
    title,          // <String> The Title 
    html,           // <String> The pre-rendered roll html. This contains the output roll from Beyond20 to display
    character,      // <Beyond20Character> The character that made the roll
    whisper,        // <WhisperType> The whisper setting used for this roll
    play_sound,     // <Boolean> Set to true if there were actual dice that were rolled (false if only flat numbers or description only)
    source,         // <String> The source of the roll
    attributes,     // <Object> A {key:value} object of roll attributes
    description,    // <String> Description of the roll
    attack_rolls,   // <Array<Roll>> Array of rolls made for attack. This is generally the d20 rolls (to hit, or ability check or save)
    roll_info,      // <Array<Array<String>>> An array of information related to the roll, in the form of [name, value] string tuples (used for including things like the save DC). 
    damage_rolls,   // <Array<DamageRollInfo>> An array of damage rolls
    total_damages,  // <Object> An object of {type:total} values where the type is the label for the kind of total damage calculation and the total is a string with the total amount of damage.

Returns a report about whether the request was successfully forwarded to a VTT. See format

Note that a skill check or saving throw or even a custom dice roll will include the roll results in the attack_rolls field. That field is misnamed as it really means the ‘primary’ rolls, which are the d20 in the case of a skill check/ability roll/saving throw, or the to-hit d20 rolls in an attack roll, or the custom dice formula in the case of a custom roll.

Structure definition of non standard fields: Beyond20Character, WhisperType, Roll and DamageRollInfo


Notification of a character’s HP being updated. Can also be sent initially to define the starting HP of the character when the character sheet page is opened.

Message Format:

    action,   // <String> Must be "hp-update"
    character // <Beyond20Character> The Character object describing the character

Returns a report about whether the request was successfully forwarded to a VTT. See format


Notification of a character’s conditions being updated. Can also be sent initially to define the starting conditions of the character when the character sheet page is opened.

Message Format:

    action,  // <String> Must be "conditions-update"
    character // <Beyond20Character> The Character object describing the character

Returns a report about whether the request was successfully forwarded to a VTT. See format


Notification of the turn tracker content being updated

Message Format:

    action,           // <String> Must be "update-combat"
    combat: [{        // <Array<Object>> An array of all characters in combat, ordered by initiative
        name,         // <String> Name of the character in the turn order
        initiative,   // <Number> The initiative value of the character
        turn,         // <Boolean> Whether it's this character's turn in the turn order
        tags,         // <Array<String>> An array of strings for each 'tag' the combatant has. 
                      // D&D Beyond uses the following list of tags (non-exhaustive list): `character`, `monster`, `is-healthy`, `is-critical`, 

Returns a report about whether the request was successfully forwarded to a VTT. See format

Roll types available

The roll message can have different values for the type field, each requiring its own set of extra fields added to the message.

Here is the list of accepted values for the type field:


This roll type is sent when clicking on the “Display avatar” button to show an avatar image to the other players. The avatar to show is to be taken from request.character.avatar. The default roll value is also set to the URL of the image to show as a fallback.

Additional fields added to the roll request:


Make an initiative roll.

Additional fields added to the roll request:


Rolls an ability check

Additional fields added to the roll request:


Rolls a saving throw.

Additional fields added to the roll request:


Rolls a skill check.

Additional fields added to the roll request:


Display a character trait, class feature or special action. This can be used to display different kinds of features, no matter the source. The roll field should be set to 0.

Additional fields added to the roll request:


Display information about an item. The roll field should be set to 0.

Additional fields added to the roll request:


Roll an attack. This will generally be either rolling a weapon attack or a special action or class feature attack.

Additional fields added to the roll request:

An attack roll (same for a spell-attack) will generally have rollAttack or rollDamage set to true to define if we’re rolling the to-hit or the damages. Both can also be set together to roll both at once. If the attack roll is being made, the critical-limit value will determine if the attack succeeded as a critical hit or not. If only damages are rolled, then rollCritical will determine if the damage being rolled should be regular or critical damage.

If the attack is a hit and damages are rolled, then the damages (and damage-types) array is used to roll for damages, if it’s a critical hit, then both the damages and critical-damages arrays should be used. The critical-damages array should contain only damages that would apply in the case of a critical hit (constant damage should not apply, unless the user is using a homebrew rule for critical calculations, and special abilities that deal extra damage on criticals should be added).


Display a spell’s description card. The roll field should be set to 0.

Additional fields added to the roll request:


Roll a spell attack.

This combines the additional fields from both the attack and spell-card roll types, as it is both a spell and an attack roll.


Roll from a table

Additional fields added to the roll request:

Note that the roll results can be a range of values, for example, a d6 roll table of the form: | 1d6 | Treasure Type | |——|—————| | 1-3 | Coins | | 4 | Weapons | | 5 | Armor | | 6 | Magic Items |

This would cause the following roll action to be sent:

    action: "roll",
    character: {...},
    roll: "1d6",
    advantage: 1,
    whisper: 0,
    name: "Treasure Chest",
    formula: "1d6",
    table: {
        "Treasure Type": {
            "1-3": "Coins",
            "4": "Weapons",
            "5": "Armor",
            "6": "Magic Items"


Roll a Hit Die for the character

Additional fields added to the roll request:


Roll a death saving throw

Additional fields added to the roll request:


Display a chat message. The roll field should be set to 0.

Additional fields added to the roll request:


This type is only used as part of the message.request field in a rendered-roll message. It is used to notify a VTT that the user made a custom roll of digital dice in the D&D Beyond page and reports the result of the roll to the VTT.

Additional fields added to the roll request:


Sent when a custom dice roll is being made. This is usually if you have a formula in a block of text and that custom formula gets rolled. The roll field will contain the formula to roll.

Additional fields added to the roll request:

Beyond20 object formats

Some of the messages above use specific objects definitions that are used in more than one place. Here are the definition of those structures

Forwarded message response format

When a message is sent which is meant to be dispatched to all VTTs, the sender will receive a response in the following format:

    success,   // <Boolean> A boolean to determine if it was successfully forwarded to at least one VTT
    vtt,       // <Array<String>> An array of strings determining which VTT tabs were found and received the request. `null` in case of error
    error,     // <String> An error explaining the failure to forward the message
    request    // <Object> The original request that was sent

The vtt field is either null (in case of error) or an array of strings. The possible string values are: roll20, fvtt, custom and dndbeyond. It is possible to have a success: false even without an error. That can happen in the case of user configuration which tells Beyond20 not to send to any VTT. In that case, the vtt array will contain dndbeyond to instruct the DDB page to render the roll in its own page.

Whisper Type Format

The whisper type is an enum, a <number> value which can take the following values:

Roll Type Format

The roll type is an enum, a <number> value which can take the following values:

Internally, Beyond20 also uses the following values, though they should never appear in the messaging API as those would get replaced before being sent out:

Beyond20 Character Format

A Character object will represent the character sheet from which the rolls are being made. It must have the following fields in it:

The type can be anything, such as a “spell” or a “feat” or an “item”, etc… A spell character means that the rolls are being made from a D&D Beyond standalone spell page rather than the spell being rolled from a monster or character’s sheet.

Though the type can be any string to represent the type of sheet sending the roll requests, here are the ones used in Beyond20:

Character character fields

The following fields are also included in the Character object for a character of type Character:

    "source",           // <string> The source site of the character sheet (default: "D&D Beyond")
    "id",               // <string> The character sheet ID.
    "abilities",        // <Array<Ability>> Array containing the abilities scores of the character
    "classes",          // <Object<string:string>> An object where each key is a class the character has and the value is the level of that character in that class
    "level",            // <string> The total level of the character
    "race",             // <string> The character's race
    "ac",               // <string> The character's AC
    "proficiency",      // <string> The character's proficiency modifier
    "speed",            // <number> The character's speed
    "hp",               // <number> The character's current HP
    "max-hp",           // <number> The character's maximum HP
    "temp-hp":          // <number> The character's Temp HP
    "exhaustion",       // <number> The exhaustion level of the character
    "conditions",       // <Array<string>> Array of strings containing the conditions the character is suffering from
    "class-features",   // <Array<string>> Array of strings containing the class features of the character
    "racial-traits",    // <Array<string>> Array of strings containing the racial traits of the character
    "feats",            // <Array<string>> Array of strings containing the feats of the character
    "actions",          // <Array<string>> Array of strings containing the actions available to the character
    "spell_modifiers",  // <Object<string:string>> An object where each key is a class the character has and the value is the spell modifier of that character in that class
    "spell_saves",      // <Object<string:string>> An object where each key is a class the character has and the value is the Spell save DC of that character in that class
    "spell_attacks",    // <Object<string:string>> An object where each key is a class the character has and the value is the Spell attack modifer of that character in that class
    "settings",         // <Object> The character's settings
    "discord-target"    // <string> (Optional) The discord target to send the rolls to

The saves field is an object where each key is the saving throw’s ability (in its abbreviated form, as it appears in the stat block) and the value is the saving throw’s modifier. The skills field is an object where each key is the name of a skill check and the value is its modifier. The discord-target can be used to hold the first 12 character’s a discord server’s secret ID and is used to force the roll renderer to choose a specific discord target channel for the rolls from this character. The settings field is important as it will contain the character specific settings. While most of the settings will have been consumed in order to build a roll (like whether to include sneak attack damage or other similar feats), it’s worth paying attention to the settings.custom-roll-dice field setting which will indicate a customer modifier to add to any d20 roll.

See Ability format for the format of the ability scores array.

Monster character fields

The following fields are also included in the Character object for a character of type Monster, Vehicle, Creature or Extra-Vehicle:

    "id",               // <string> The monster or vehicle ID. In the case of a creature/extra-vehicle, it will contain the creature's name as the ID is not available
    "cr",               // <string> The monster's Challenge rating
    "ac",               // <string> The monster's AC
    "hp",               // <string|number> The monster's current HP
    "hp-formula",       // <string> The monster's HP Formula
    "max-hp",           // <number> The monster's maximum HP (only applies to extras)
    "temp-hp":          // <number> The monster's Temp HP (only applies to extras)
    "speed",            // <string> The monster's speed
    "abilities",        // <Array<Ability>> Array containing the abilities scores of the monster
    "actions",          // <Array<string>> Array of strings containing the actions available to the monster
    "saves",            // <Object<string:string>> Object of each saving throw modifier from the stat block
    "skills",           // <Object<string:string>> Object of each skill check modifier from the stat block
    "discord-target",   // <string> (Optional) The discord target to send the rolls to
    "creatureType",     // <string> (Optional) if the type is "Creature" then this will specify the creature type (Familiar, Wild Shape, Beast Companion, etc...)
    "settings",         // <Object> (Optional) character specific options (the parent character's in case of Wild Shape creature)

The saves field is an object where each key is the saving throw’s ability (in its abbreviated form, as it appears in the stat block) and the value is the saving throw’s modifier. The skills field is an object where each key is the name of a skill check and the value is its modifier. The discord-target can be used to hold the first 12 character’s a discord server’s secret ID and is used to force the roll renderer to choose a specific discord target channel for the rolls from this character. See Ability format for the format of the ability scores array.

Ability Format

A character or monster’s abilities are represented by an array of 4 values of the form: [ability_name, ability_abbreviation, ability_score, ability_modifier]

For example:

abilities: [
    ['Strength', 'STR', '12', '+1'],
    ['Dexterity', 'DEX', '14', '+2'],
    ['Constitution', 'CON', '16', '+3'],
    ['Intelligence', 'INT', '3', '-4'],
    ['Wisdom', 'WIS', '18', '+4'],
    ['Charisma', 'CHA', '20', '+5']

Roll Format

A Roll object defines the result of a dice formula roll, which may contain zero or more actual dice formulas and multiple operands.

It has the following format:

    "formula",          // <string> The dice formula that made the roll
    "parts",            // <Array<DiceRoll|string|number>> An array of each portion of the formula
    "fail-limit",       // <number|null> (Optional) The lower limit under which a dice roll is considered a critical failure (default 1)
    "critical-limit",   // <number|null> (Optional) The higher limit above which a dice roll is considered a critical success (default 20)
    "critical-failure", // <boolean> Whether the roll result was a critical failure
    "critical-success", // <boolean> Whether the roll result was a critical success
    "discarded",        // <boolean> Whether this roll is being discarded
    "type",             // <string> The roll type
    "total"             // <number> The total roll result

The roll will contain a formula which will cause zero or more dice rolls to occur. Their results will be in the parts field and the total of all parts will be in total. The type of roll can be to-hit or damage or saving-throw, etc… In the case of a advantage/disadvantage for example, the entire roll could be discarded and if that’s the case, discarded will be true.

The parts field is an array which will contain either a DiceRoll object (See Dice Roll Format for the format of the dice rolls), a string representing the operator to use, or a number. For example a 1d20 + 3 formula would cause the parts to be [DiceRoll, '+', 3]

Dice Roll Format

A Dice Roll object defines the result of a dice roll. The difference with the above Roll object, is that this is specifically for dice being rolled and does not include any operands. It can also only have rolls of the same type of dice

It has the following format:

    "formula",      // <string> The dice formula
    "amount",       // <number> The number of dice that were rolled
    "faces",        // <number> The number of faces on the dice being rolled
    "total",        // <number> The total result of the roll
    "modifiers",    // <string> (Optional) Any modifiers to the dice formula
    "rolls": [      // <Array<Object>> Array of roll results 
            "roll",         // <number> The result of the roll
            "discarded",    // <boolean> (Optional) Whether this dice roll is discarded

Damage Roll Info Format

Damage rolls are an array of 3 elements:

See the Roll structure above for the format of the Roll result object. The damage flags will help determine what kind of damage it is. It is a bitfield which can have multiple flags set at once. The available flags are:


The DOM API is a way for Beyond20 to communicate with other extensions or websites by sending custom events to the document itself. All events have the Beyond20_ prefix and will hold the an array in the detail field of the CustomEvent, which represents the arguments of the event.

On the D&D Beyond website itself, when rolls are made, they are sent both to VTT tabs but also as DOM events to the D&D Beyond website. The messages are in the format of Beyond20_${request.action} so you would expect to see Beyond20_roll, Beyond20_rendered-roll, Beyond20-hp-update, etc… with the detail field of the CustomEvent containing an array with a single element, which would be the request being sent.

On a custom website and on DnD Beyond itself, you receive instead the following events:

On a custom website, you receive the following events:

A custom website that wants to act as a character sheet can also send custom events to Beyond20 through its DOM in order to have the roll requests transmitted to other running VTTs.

Note that the Beyond20_SendMessage DOM event API expects to receive a request object in the detail field (as a single element array). The request must follow the format of the Messaging API defined above, and only the following action values will be accepted and forwarded: roll, rendered-roll, hp-update, conditions-update and update-combat.

Listening to custom events

Here is a simple helper function you can use to listen to custom Beyond20 events on a website’s DOM:

function addBeyond20EventListener(name, callback) {
    const event = ["Beyond20_" + name, (evt) => {
        const detail = evt.detail || [];
    }, false];
    return event;

It can then be called like this (note that the Beyond20_ prefix is not used in the name).

addBeyond20EventListener("Loaded", (settings) => console.log("Beyond20 is loaded on the site"));
addBeyond20EventListener("RenderedRoll", (request) => displayBeyond20Roll(request));

The return value can be stored to be later used with a document.removeEventListener.

Sending custom events

You can send a custom event to Beyond20 with the simple following code:

function sendBeyond20Event(name, ...args) {
    const event = new CustomEvent("Beyond20_" + name, { "detail": args });

Note that if you are trying to send that DOM event from a privileged scope (i.e: from a different extension), you may need to use the cloneInto function to clone the arguments data into the window’s scope. This restriction only applies to FireFox which has a more restrictive security context for browser extensions.

In that case, use the following:

function sendBeyond20Event(name, ...args) {
    // You would need a function isFirefox to check if the extension is running in Firefox
    const detail = isFirefox() ? cloneInto(args, window) : args;
    const event = new CustomEvent("Beyond20_" + name, { "detail": detail });

Integrating with Beyond20

To integrate your website or extension with Beyond20, it should now be fairly easy. Here are the steps to take:

Use the documentation above to find the available events you can send, and what fields they contain.

The user will need to add your site’s domain to Beyond20’s custom domain list under the advanced options, or you can contact us to add your site to the list of known sites which support Beyond20.


Using a simple website with source book content as an example, we can implement a small extension that integrates the read-aloud text with Beyond20 with the following code:

// Copied from the documentation above
function addBeyond20EventListener(name, callback) {
    const event = ["Beyond20_" + name, (evt) => {
        const detail = evt.detail || [];
    }, false];
    return event;
// Copied from the documentation above
function sendBeyond20Event(name, ...args) {
    const event = new CustomEvent("Beyond20_" + name, { "detail": args });

// Beyond20 extension is loaded and listening for events on this site
function loaded() {
    console.log("Beyond20 is loaded on the site. Adding B20 roll icon...");
    // Find the read aloud text divs in the page
    const readAloud = document.querySelectorAll(".read-aloud");
    for (const div of readAloud) {
        const chapter = div.closest("h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6").textContent;
        const message = div.querySelector(".content").textContent;
        // Add a roll button icon to the div
        const icon = document.createElement("i"); = "float: right; cursor: pointer;";
        icon.classList.add("fas", "fa-dice-d20");
        icon.title = "Send to VTT";
        // On click, send a SendMessage DOM event with a roll action of type chat-message
        icon.addEventListener("click", () => {
            const request = {
                action: "roll",
                type: "chat-message",
                character: {
                    name: document.title,
                    source: "My Custom Site",
                    type: "Book",
                    url: window.location.href
                roll: 0,
                advantage: 0,
                whisper: 0,
                // chat-message specific fields
                name: chapter,
                message: message
            sendBeyond20Event("SendMessage", request);

// Listen to the Loaded event from Beyond20
addBeyond20EventListener("Loaded", () => loaded());

For more complex rolls, see the messaging API documentation above for the other types of available actions or roll types. You can also make rolls in D&D Beyond to get good examples of what Beyond20 itself sends when rolls are made.

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A special thank you to all the contributors, Discord moderators and other team members who are donating their time to continually keep Beyond20 improving. ❤