v2.13.0 (February 13th 2025)
- Feature: Added support for 2024 Monster statblocks (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Display Skill check effects: Reliable Talent and Silver Tongue
- Bugfix: Fix HP syncing (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for Great Weapon Fighting as a Fighting Initiate choice (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix missing “Display to VTT” button on some actions
v2.12.0 (January 25th 2025)
- Feature: Add support for Exhaustion rules (2014 and 2024) in the character’s Effects (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Add support for displaying art and images from a source book
- Feature: Add support for displaying Rage effect when rolling with Rage enabled
- Feature: Add support for parsing “+ PB” in formulas for adding the character’s proficiency bonus
- Bugfix: Fix support for dice formulas on actions and features (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of roll descriptions (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for changes tidbits and attributes in monster stat blocks (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix display of custom actions that have no damage (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for parsing of descriptions
- Bugfix: Fix support for character traits
- Bugfix: Fix rolling character backgrounds
- Bugfix: Fix display of formula in the gamer log when substracting a dice roll (like Bane effect)
- Bugfix: Added a workaround for broken data in DDB causing damage choices to be invalid for Sorcerous Burst (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of dice formula in Repair feature of the Steel Defender
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix display of initiative result in some situations when using initiative tie breaker
v2.11.1 (January 8th 2025)
- Bugfix: Fix rolling character actions (unarmed strikes for example) (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix rolling Strength check from a character’s extra creature (by @dmportella)
v2.11.0 (December 21st 2024)
- Feature: Added support for user selectable Spell effects (Bless, Bane, Enlarge, Reduce)! (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for Charger 2024 feat with GWF support (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for weapon Mastery and display mastery of weapons in rolls (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for GWF (2014 and 2024 editions) with Brutal Critical attacks (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for the Barbarian’s Brutal Strike 2024 feature (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for 2024 version of sneak attack (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for the Rogue’s Cunning Strikes and Improved Cunning Strike (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for Cleric’s Improved Blessed Strikes (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for Cleric’s Radiance of the Dawn (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for Paladin’s Radiant Strike (by @Lott)
- Feature: Added support for Ranger’s Dreadful Strike (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for Druid’s Lunar Radiance 2024 (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for Tavern Brawler 2024 feat (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for Halfling’s Luck 2024 feature (by @raystuart)
- Bugfix: Fix detection of ability modifier when using non default ability score/modifier display setting (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for new statblock format of creature extras in character sheets (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix detection of Wild Shape creature type in extras (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for creature’s HP in extras (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix illegal application of GWM 2024 to Polearms feat attacks (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix missing Roll20 template option in the popup options on Roll20 tabs
- Bugfix: Use bolded text for “Roll Initiative” line in monster statblocks (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix rolling Sorcerous Burst on Foundry VTT
v2.10.0 (November 17th 2024)
- Feature: Firefox: Add support for optional permission requests, and remove mandatory Discord permissions
- Feature: Added support for 2024 edition of Great Weapon Fighting (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for 2024 edition of Great Weapon MAster (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Added support for 2024 edition of Polearm Master (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Sent custom DOM API events to D&D Beyond pages
- Feature: Add support for species pages
- Feature: Add support for backgrounds pages
- Bugfix: Fix support for Monster actions using new terminology introduced in 2024 rules (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for character creatures (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of creature’s HP
- Bugfix: Fix distinguishing between ability checks and saving throws
- Bugfix: Fix support for character conditons and exhaustion levels
- Bugfix: Fix DOM API message for custom domains when settings are updated
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of Emanate Wrath action
- Bugfix: Prevent parsing of dice formulas in user comments
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix creating Beyond20 actors on Foundry VTT v12 (by @zambo)
- Bugfix: Firefox: Fix support for Roll20 Discord Activity
v2.9.8 (October 12th 2024)
- Bugfix: Fix detection and use of the correct To Hit value on weapon attacks
v2.9.7 (October 11th 2024)
- Feature: Add support for 2024 variants of Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of item names on character sheet (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for parsing class feature options and choices (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for Sorcerous Burst when using “Perfect rolls” for the homebrew critical hit rules (by @dmportella)
v2.9.6 (September 22nd 2024)
- Feature: Add support for Sorcerous Burst (by @dmportella)
- Feature: Add support for Roll20 Discord Activity (by @rileydutton, @dmportella and @kakaroto)
- Bugfix: Fix support for parsing a character’s class features, feats, racial features (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for detecting the character panel and avatar sharing (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: FVTT module: Fix support for applying damages from chat tooltip
v2.9.5 (July 27th 2024)
- Bugfix: Fix support for rolling Initiative (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for rolling Ability checks (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for rolling Saving Throws (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for rolling Character Actions (unarmed strike, vampirire bite, etc..) (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: Fix support for rolling Class features and Feats (by @dmportella)
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix roll data in chat messages failing to display on recent dnd5e system (by @AlanWaiss)
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of a spell’s source, which was required for class specific spell modifiers, like the Artificer’s Arcane Firearm.
v2.9.4 (June 5th 2024)
- Bugfix: Fix rolling of spells and weapons due to DDB character sheet change from June 4th’s website update (by @Azmoria)
- Bugfix: Fix support for Blood Hunter class and abilities which broke when DDB changed the class name to “Blood Hunter (archived)”
- Bugfix: Add msising
DOM API calls on D&D Beyond website (by @carrierfry) - Bugfix: Fix Beyond20 Settings button on the character sheet overlapping the character info on small sized tablets (by @lindenmckenzie)
v2.9.3 (May 10th 2024)
- Feature: Allow extensions to send rolls to Beyond20 via the custom DOM API through DDB pages
- Bugfix: Fix rolling of spells, initative, ability checks and saving throws, due to DDB character sheet change from May 7th’s website update
- Misc: Add link to the Edge store on the install page
v2.9.2 (April 24th 2024)
- Feature: Added support for NPC healing actions, such as the Unicorn (by @lunethefirst)
- Feature: Prompt for Concentration check if character is War Caster and a Constitution save is rolled (by @rthorpeii)
- Feature: Add support for clicking on the Digital Dice Versatile damage button to roll damage two handed
- Feature: Add a “Display to VTT” button for Blood Curse of the Eyeless feature
- Feature: Add support for using a service worker and switch to the Manifest V3 extension specification for Chrome/Edge browsers
- Bugfix: Fix character sheet parsing due to updated D&D Beyond website on April 24th 2024 which broke weapon rolls, spells, skills, death saves and other side effects
- Bugfix: Fix Digital Dice advantage/disadvantage rolls being summed when the results are identical
- Bugfix: Fix rolling hemocraft die for Blood Curse of the Eyeless
- Bugfix: Fix issue rolling a custom skill check with a +0 modifier when rolling with advantage/disadvantage from Digital Dice context menu
- Bugfix: Fix a typo which may have caused quick roll buttons for damage only rolls to do a full attack
- Bugfix: Fix empty damage type for Chaos Bolt
- Bugfix: Fix Circle of Mortality setting label from Death Domain to Grave Domain (by @Bracciata)
- Bugfix: Improve display of damage restrictions by adding a space between the damage type and the restriction
- Bugfix: Improve display of various roll results which include extra information between parenthesis to be preceded by a space (by @Bracciata)
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix rolling Chaos Bolt on Foundry using Native Rolls due to missing damage type
v2.9.1 (July 5th 2023)
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix detection of Roll20 tab after today’s Roll20 change to their app’s URL
- Bugfix: Fix the “Display avatar” option on a character sheet when digital dice are enabled
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix display of avatars with the default sheet option
- Bugfix: FVTT: Correct open a popup dialog for a shared avatar when using digital dice
v2.9.0 (June 24th 2023)
- Feature: Add support for custom sheet websites to send rolls to VTTs through Beyond20
- Feature: Added full API documentation for Beyond20 internal messaging and DOM events
- Feature: Add support for custom modifiers/damages to Wild Shape extra creatures
- Feature: Add support for posting read-aloud text to Discord
- Feature: Add support for Radiant Soul from Celestial Aasimar (MotM) (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add a hotkey to display attack instead of rolling it
- Bugfix: Send rolls to game log as “Self” when whispering
- Bugfix: Fix Rage damage not applying to Wild Shape extra creatures anymore
- Bugfix: Fix freeze when the game log sidebar is locked in the encounters page
- Bugfix: Remove special support for Otherworldly Glamour for skill checks as DDB implemented it on their side, which caused it to double the bonus (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Change behavior of Vicious Weapon Damage to only display on critical hits as it only triggers on a roll of 20
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of DDB dice formulas that include tooltips
- Bugfix: Fix Beyond20 icon alignment in buttons
- Bugfix: FVTT: Remove deprecation warnings for Foundry VTT v10
- Misc: A few cleanups in how events are sent to make for a cleaner API
- Misc: Added a few websites to the list of known VTT/Sheet domains for future implementation support
- Misc: Add osrbeyond.com, codex.dragonshorn.com and dscryb.com to the list of known VTT/Sheet domains for their upcoming integration with Beyond20.
v2.8.0 (November 13th 2022)
- Feature: Add advanced option to export and import your Beyond20 settings to/from file
- Feature: Add new option on toggle hotkeys, allowing to permanently toggle options using hotkeys
- Feature: Add ability to parse roll tables in Item pages, Spell pages, etc…
- Feature: Add support for parsing dice, roll tables, read-aloud, etc.. in Races pages
- Feature: Add support for new DDB type of statblocks, appearing in new source books (Spelljammer creatures)
- Feature: Add option to allow display of attack description when sending to Discord
- Feature: Add support for the new “Read Aloud” formatting D&D Beyond used in Lost Mine of Phandelver (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Death Cleric: Circle of Mortality (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add special handling for Dragon Wing ranged weapon damages and the Flail of Tiamat, and allow setting a note to specify which damage to use (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Save the last user selection of damage queries to default to the same damage type
- Feature: Ensure that all queries for advantage are done on the DDB side, rather than in the VTT
- Feature: Send the list of monster actions in the Beyond20 requests in case the VTT needs to know that information
- Feature: Roll20: Add new option to allow display of a spell’s details during attacks (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix character parsing not working when accessing a character from the “My Characters” page due to a change in how DDB changes sites
- Bugfix: Fix any hotkey modifier (for whisper/advantage/etc…) being forgotten if a user query is open during a roll (such as damage type for Chromatic Orb)
- Bugfix: Fix the displayed total in Digital Dice notification to the non-discarded roll in case of advantage/disadvantage
- Bugfix: Parse dice formulas in multi-paragraph monster actions (Gelatinous Cube’s “Engulf”, or a Beholder’s “Eye Rays” for example)
- Bugfix: Correctly show individual roll results in the Digital Dice notification when multiple dice are rolled
- Bugfix: Do not apply the Paladin’s Aura of Protection on Death Saves since the character is unconscious (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Do not apply Otherwordly Glamour to Charisma saves (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix Great Weapon Fighting not being applied to brutal critical damage dice when using the Polearm Master bonus attack (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Clean up formula parsing, which fixes among other things, some errors showing on Foundry VTT v10
- Bugfix: Fix a leftover quickroll tooltip when rolling a saving throw from the sidebar
- Bugfix: FVTT module v1.5.1: Fix NPC hp formula when using a Native Rolls actor
- Bugfix: FVTT module v1.5.1: Port Native Rolls to require Foundry v10 and remove deprecation warnings
- Bugfix: FVTT module v1.5.1: Fix support for automated animations with Native Rolls
- Bugfix: FVTT module v1.5.1: Fix incorrect proficiency value being set on non-standard items when using Native Rolls
- Bugfix: Remove possibility of a message broker error when sending Beyond20 requests through the Game Log
- Bugfix: Fix issue not recognizing some monster actions when a non-breaking space is included in the action name
- Bugfix: Fix the Restrained condition appearing as “RRestrained” due to the “R” in the svg icon (by @IsaacAbramowitz)
- Misc: Remove support for Astral VTT as the site is now closed permanently
- Misc: Add harpy.gg as a recognized VTT which added native support for Beyond20
- Misc: Add alchemyrpg.com as a recognized VTT site (with plans to add native support for Beyond20)
v2.7.0 (June 18th 2022)
- Feature: Add the ability to specify custom domains to load Beyond 20 on, opening the path for other VTT websites to natively add support for Beyond20.
- Feature: Roll20: Add support for auto-selecting monsters of the same name in the combat tracker when running an encounter with multiple instances of the same monster
- Feature: Roll20: Add option to show “Unknown Creature” (customizable) in the combat tracker for monsters not mapped to a token
- Feature: Roll20: Add an option to use the Beyond20 roll renderer without digital dice, allowing nicer and more customizable attack and damage outputs, with totals calculation
- Feature: Add support for displaying Feats to the VTT from the Feats page (by @IsaacAbramowitz)
- Feature: Specify the exact damage type for Genie’s Wrath (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Artificer’s Arcane Jolt on Infused weapons (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for extra damage on natural 20s for Vicious Weapons (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of monster attacks which deal constant damage with no dice formula
- Bugfix: Add Crimson Rite damage to Polarm Master Bonus Attacks (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix character name detection caused by last DDB character sheet update
- Bugfix: Fix issue displaying result of non-standard dice (d3) when rolling with Digital Dice enabled
- Bugfix: Fix display of total damages in versatile attacks that displayed total 1-handed and total 2-handed uselessly
- Bugfix: Fix setting changes not properly propagating to open items and equipment pages
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix issue with the combat tracker when matching multiple enemies with the same name where each turn, the token associated could be different
v2.6.3 (April 12th 2022)
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of the initiative modifier after DDB character sheet update on April 12th (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix some missing data from rolls sent to the game log which caused issues with the DDB mobile app
- Bugfix: Remove decimal value of initiative rolls with tie breaker from rolls sent to the game log which caused issues with the DDB mobile app
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix support for attaching rolls to the new ChatMessage API in Foundry VTT v10
- Misc: Update the Dread Ambusher option title and description
v2.6.2 (March 30th 2022)
- Feature: Add support for rolling the right hemodice for Blood Curse of the Eyeless (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Roll20: Display the advantage/disadvantage indicator (greying out dropped dice) when rolling with digital dice (by @Cube-o)
- Bugfix: Fix issue detecting a character sheet’s ID due to a sheet change, causing character settings to not work properly
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix HP syncing due to a Roll20 change to their API
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix rolling Death saving throws when digital dice is disabled
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix support for Diamond Soul (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix display corruption of the Adventure flowchart in the call of the Netherdeep (due to dice formula replacement in embedded style/script tags)
- Bugfix: Fix issue with looping notification about class features being parsed when two sheets are open, caused by the character sheet’s ID not being detected properly
- Bugfix: Fix display of the ‘class features detected’ notification not displaying properly
v2.6.1 (February 21st 2022)
- Feature: Add the ability to hook into the Digital Dice buttons of monster stat blocks (Encounters) when available, instead of adding the Beyond20 icons to the statblock
- Feature: Add support for displaying the healing portion of Vampiric Touch
- Feature: Add an option to disable sending rolls to the D&D Beyond Game Log
- Feature: Add support for Monk: Diamond Soul class feature (adds proficiency to death saves at level 14) (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add the ability to roll critical damages on special attacks (like Sneak Attack) which has no “To Hit” value, when using Force Critical (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Command-Click as default additional hotkeys on Mac OS X, due to Control-Click being an accessibility hotkey on Macs
- Bugfix: Fix initiative value from the combat tracker not being parsed properly
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix issue of missing combatants in the turn tracker when synchronizing with D&D Beyond’s Combat tracker
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix the turn tracker showing empty or old value when starting a combat with the tracker closed
- Bugfix: Fix some roll formulas in digital dice boxes being incorrect when switching between monsters in the Encounters page
- Bugfix: Roll20: Remove duplicate prompt for Toll the Dead damage from Roll20 (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix whispered rolls being overridden by Foundry VTT on roll type messages and showing as public rolls
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix Life Transference and Vampiric Touch damages failing to roll due to flavor text
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix Life Transference and Vampiric Touch showing an empty healing value
- Bugfix: Fix the extra damage/healing from College of Spirits: Spirital Focus not applying until level 6 (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Do not show total of one-handed and two-handed weapon attacks when there are no other damages to sum up (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Further fixes to the renaming of the two-handed/one-handed damage tyeps (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix the description text of the Celestial Radiant Soul option which was incorrectly describing the Wildfire spirit bond (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix adding non-numeric damages to the total calculation
- Bugfix: Do not use Great Weapon Fighting on Brutal Critical/Savage Attacks when using versatile weapons one-handed (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Roll20: Add missing modifier to rolls when digital dice is enabled (by @jjchambl)
- Bugfix: Roll20: Clean up the display of custom modifiers in attack rolls (by @jjchambl)
- Bugfix: Fix for the quickrolls tooltip being shifted due to the D&D Beyond sale/offer banners at the top of the site (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix the options dialog being too wide and unusable on large monitors (by @jjchambl)
- Bugfix: Fix Crimson Rite not applying on Predatory Strike attacks (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix Divine Smite support for Polearm Master attacks when used as an opportunity attack reaction (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Prevent non-roll action buttons in monster statblocks from showing a roll icon after the advantage/disadvantage hotkey is pressed
- Misc: Change the “Use Digital Dice” option to enabled by default, for new Beyond20 installs (by @Aeristoka)
v2.6.0 (January 4th 2022)
- Feature: FVTT: Add support for Foundry v9 (rolls, HP syncing, conditions syncing, initiative tracking, etc…)
- Feature: FVTT: Add support for (Experimental) Foundry native rolls for 0.8.9 and v9 in the FVTT module 1.4.0 (disabled option by default)
- Feature: FVTT: Add support for requesting permanent permissions for custom Foundry VTT domains
- Feature: Remove broad permissions from FireFox, and switching to a Chrome like system for activating on Foundry VTT tab
- Feature: Add an ‘Advanced Options’ button to separate the more common vs advanced settings in Beyond20 options
- Feature: Only open Beyond20 changelog when the user visits a D&D Beyond or VTT page, rather than on extension update
- Feature: Hide the custom modifiers in the per-character settings under an Advanced settings toggle
- Feature: Add support for sending whispers to the DDB game log
- Feature: Add ability to display an item’s image to the VTT from Magic Item pages
- Feature: Add character initiative to the D&D Beyond encounters when rolling for Initiative
- Feature: Add support for dice formula that use uppercase ‘D’ instead of ‘d’ for the dice
- Feature: Add support for roll tables which uses a ‘Bardic Insp. Die’ instead of a dice formula (Bard College of Spirits: Spirit Tales)
- Feature: Add support for Warlock: The Celestial: Radiant Soul (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Elemental Weapon damage selection (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Elemental Bane weapon damage selection (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add a query for Spirit Guardian’s damage type (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Move all queries to the D&D Beyond site when building a roll request, instead of on the VTT side (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add an advanced option to configure how a hidden monster name/attack should appear (default to ‘???’)
- Feature: Add support for a custom raw ability check modifier
- Feature: Rename “One/Two Handed” weapon damages into a shorter “1/2-Hand” display (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add option to always show the type of damage for versatile weapon attacks (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: FVTT: Add support for chat damage buttons in the Foundry VTT module
- Bugfix: Apply per-character discord target to a character’s Extras
- Bugfix: Fix issue with some monster actions not being recognized if they started with a space (Mind Flayer Lich Illithilich)
- Bugfix: Fix alertify library polluting the comments in DDB pages (tinymce iframe)
- Bugfix: Fix formula parsing which uses the unicode minus character (Homunculus Servant in artifier’s source)
- Bugfix: Fix the Jack of All Trades character option not being visible in the per-character settings
- Bugfix: Fix aspect ratio of the character avatar images so they match DDB’s display
- Bugfix: Trim all damage types, as a damage type might appear preceded with a space in some situations
- Bugfix: Fix detection of AoE shape for spells in character sheets (useful for Foundry native roll support)
- Misc: Remove support for Paladin’s Legendary Strike, as it was not retained from UA (by @Aeristoka)
- Misc: Updated instructions for the Discord integration
- Misc: Remove Toucan sponsorship and fix Discord logo from support page
v2.5.0 (September 20th 2021)
- Feature: Add support for sending the detailed roll results to the D&D Beyond Game Log
- Feature: Add the ability to set custom modifier/damage formulas when setting up hotkeys
- Feature: Add option to set a target discord channel on a per-character basis
- Feature: Add Beyond20 button on read-aloud text boxes to send as chat message to the VTT
- Feature: Add support for applying custom modifiers and custom damages from hotkeys to Monster rolls too
- Feature: Query for the advantage/disadvantage on skill checks that have a magical conditional advantage/disadvantage badge
- Feature: Add buttons to display character’s proficiencies to the VTT
- Feature: Add support for adding magical modifiers on death saves (from Luck Stone, or Cloak of Protection)
- Feature: Add item quantities when rolling/displaying an item
- Feature: Add button to display a character sheet’s avatar to the VTT
- Feature: Add the ability to roll non standard dice formulas (1d2, 1d50, etc..) when using the digital dice
- Feature: Show the character’s avatar next to each roll when using the html roll renderer
- Feature: Add support for Mark of Warding Dwarf - Warder’s Intuition (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Mark of Scribing Gnome - Gifted Scribe (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Mark of Healing Halfling - Healing Touch (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Mark of Hospitality Halfling - Ever Hospitable (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Mark of Finding Half-Orc/Human - Hunter’s Intuition (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Mark of Handling Human - Wild Intuition (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Mark of Making Human - Artisan’s Intuition (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Mark of Passage Human - Intuitive Motion (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Mark of Sentinel Human - Sentinel’s Intuition (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Mark of Warding Dwarf (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add special handling for Spirit Shroud spell (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add special handling for Destructive Wave spell (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Update the CSS styling further for the roll renderer (by @LorduFreeman)
- Feature: Send Beyond20 roll request information to the DOM as a custom event, which could allow other extensions to take advantage of that data
- Feature: Send roll requests and rendered rolls to other D&D Beyond players through the Game Log (does not appear but could be used by other extensions)
- Bugfix: Fix bug calculating the modifier in custom skills when querying for the ability to use (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Prevent the custom digital dice rolls from being sent to the game log, polluting it with hard to parse roll information
- Bugfix: Fix “Force Critical” option being ignored when rolling damages only on spells (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Clean up alertify classes from comments sections of items, monsters, spells, vehicles to prevent comments polluting the page
- Bugfix: Fix duplicate roll buttons appearing on vehicle statblocks
- Bugfix: Fix broken attacks for the Animate Objects spell
- Bugfix: Remove querying for advantage when rolling a custom formula rather than an attack/ability check
- Bugfix: Fix adding quick roll areas to the modifiers preview in the “Change Theme” panel
- Bugfix: Fix discord logo in the options menu not being visible anymore
- Bugfix: Fix issue rolling custom dice formula with the digital dice when the whisper type is set to “Ask every time”
- Bugfix: Fix the game log hijacking digital dice rolls in the encounters page
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix Temp HP syncing by removing the HP Max override when Temp HP is set (by @Aeristoka)
- Misc: Add proficiency flag to saving throw requests sent by Beyond20
- Misc: Fix the “available in chrome store” image not loading on the website
- Misc: Remove Toucan sponsorhip from the website (nobody seemed particularly interested in their product 🤷♂️)
v2.4.6 (July 7th 2021)
- Feature: Change the roll output’s styling to look much nicer and be more in line with FVTT’s own CSS styling (by @LorduFreeman)
- Feature: Add support for Bard: Spiritual Focus (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Wizard: Durable Magic (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Warlock: Grave Touched (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Mask of Shadow Elf Cunning Intuition (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix HP syncing not working anymore from the character sheet page (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix display/detection of spell damage types that would affect special abilities (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Clean up bogus damage types from some items (Arrow of Slaying) (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix rolling spell damages from spells that don’t have a To Hit value (saving throws or healing) when force critical is enabled
- Bugfix: Only compute critical damages on attacks which include a To Hit value, even if force critical is enabled
- Bugfix: Fix issue with editing homebrew subclass descriptions which include dice formulas in them
- Bugfix: Remove extraneous html content introduced by Beyond20 in the editors of homebrew subclasses
- Misc: FVTT: Change the FVTT module to appear compatible with 0.8.8 and fix the change from
in the module’s metadata
v2.4.5 (June 4th 2021)
- Bugfix: Fix a crash when showing a table in a character sheet’s sidebar
v2.4.4 (June 4th 2021)
- Feature: FVTT: Apply condition status effects to custom named tokens linked to an actor with the correct name
- Bugfix: Fix support for rolling with digital dice with the new targetted rolls update from D&D Beyond
- Bugfix: Fix Wild Magic roll table not displaying the resulting effect
- Bugfix: Fix dice rolls in feature snippets disappearing after clicking on the sheet
- Bugfix: Fix dice rolls in feature snippets being merged into invalid formulas in certain situations
- Bugfix: Fix condition updates being sent twice in some situations
- Misc: Improved some performance in how pages are parsed
v2.4.3 (June 1st 2021)
- Feature: Add support for the roll tables in character sheets too
- Bugfix: Fix a crash that happened on the long rest dialog
- Bugfix: Fix settings not propagating to source and classes pages
- Bugfix: Fix the merging of two adjacent formulas within ddb tooltips not working in all use cases
v2.4.2 (June 1st 2021)
- Feature: Add the ability to roll from formulas in source book pages
- Feature: Add the ability to roll from formulas in classes pages
- Feature: Add the ability to parse roll tables and roll their results directly to the VTT
- Feature: FVTT: Add support for Foundry VTT 0.8.x new Dice API
- Feature: Add support for advantage/disadvantage badges on death saves (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add suport for Ranger: Natural Explorer (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Roll critical damage dice when using the “Force Critical” option and rolling damages only
- Feature: Add the ability to parse and roll formulas with multiple different dice in them (1d10+1d8 for example, instead of 1d10+mod)
- Bugfix: Fix roll dice in feature snippets that are split into two separate rolls due to tooltips (Deflect Missiles, Talons, Radiance of the Dawn, Hands of Healings, etc…)
- Bugfix: Fix dice duplication in the Foundry VTT 0.7.x with Dice So Nice module, when using dice pools
- Bugfix: Fix Brutal Critical for Perfect rolls Homebrew critical rule (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix Brutal Critical processing non weapon damage for the dice selection (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix the death save icon not appearing upon page reload
- Bugfix: Fix custom dice in action snippets disappearing after a side panel is opened
- Bugfix: Fix missing settings variable when rolling from an equipment/magic item page
- Bugfix: Firefox: Fix extension options scrollbar flickering on Firefox
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix character name showing as “null” in Roll20 in some instances
v2.4.1 (April 25th 2021)
- Feature: Add support for Raging from a Wildshape creature (for Druid/Barbarian multiclassers)
- Feature: Add the ability to display NPC’s traits in the VTT (non attack actions/features)
- Feature: Add support for using Utensils as tools (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Spirit Guardians (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Display the roll formula when doing a custom digital dice roll
- Feature: Add support for rolling Shadow Blade attacks as melee weapons when added as a custom action (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix OGL sheet template detection as Roll20 keeps changing it
- Bugfix: Fix and improve the handling of special spell and class features which was refactored in 2.4.0 (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix support for some monster attacks that use incorrect capitalization in the description (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Prevent Empowered Evocation damage from happening on non-Wizard spells (by @cashoes)
- Bugfix: Fix support for adding modifier to the superiority die of Parry and Rally Maneuvers (by @tyler-macinnis)
- Bugfix: Fix Sneak Attack being always rolled on Pshycic Blade regardless of setting (by @atomicpeach)
- Bugfix: Fix quick roll areas not registering clicks in some situations
- Bugfix: Fix hotkey settings tooltip not updating after modifying the hotkeys
- Bugfix: Correctly parse the 2d20kh1/2d20kl1 when rolling an attack with advantage/disadvantage in D&D Beyond’s Digital Dice
- Bugfix: Fix misaligned Beyond20 icons in the monster statblocks of Encounters pages
- Bugfix: Fix spell icons duplicating when switching between similar monsters in the Encounters page
- Misc: Added release dates to the Changelog
v2.4.0 (March 30th 2021)
- Feature: Add support for special spells within an item’s attack (Green-Flame Blade and Booming Blade for example)
- Feature: Add support for sticky hotkeys that don’t need to stay pressed to temporarily enable an option (by @Stoneguard001])
- Feature: Add support for a quick preview of configured hotkeys and toggleable by mouse (by @Stoneguard001])
- Feature: Add support for “Force Critical Hit” hotkey
- Feature: Add support for Super-advantage and Super-disadvantage hotkeys by differentiating between left and right Ctrl/Shift hotkeys
- Feature: Add support for custom damage hotkeys
- Feature: Do not send custom digital dice rolls to the VTT if the option to use digital dice is disabled
- Feature: Parse and send Range and AoE information separately in the roll data
- Feature: Parse and show the AoE Range and shape for spells
- Feature: Allow using commas in custom damage formulas, without breaking the formula, when used inside parenthesis, brackets or curly braces (useful for Roll20 macros)
- Feature: Add ability to roll spells that only have a save DC (Bestow Curse for example)
- Feature: Add special handling of the Hunter’s Mark spell due to multiple duplicate damages (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for the Symbiotic Entity special class feature (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Mark of Detection Deductive Intuition Half-Elf Variant Racial Feature (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Windwright’s Intuition Half-Elf Variant Mark of the Storm Feature (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Charger Feat (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for UA’s Fighting Initiate - Great Weapon Fighting (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Empowered Evocation (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Blade of Disaster critical hit limit (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Ranger’s Favored Foe feature (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Jim’s Magic Missile’s unusual critical damage (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Arms of the Astral self, as being an unarmed strike for melee related special abilities (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add a character specific toggle option for the Ranger’s Colossus Slayer damage die (by @IvanGirderboot)
- Feature: Add a character specific toggle option for Halfling Luck (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add a character specific toggle option for Genie’s Wrath (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Astral: Update the hp, max hp, and temp hp attributes in the character sheet. (by @adriangaro)
- Feature: Astral: Update the resource bars to match the hp and temp hp (by @adriangaro)
- Feature: Astral: Add an option to allow Beyond20 to configure token resource bars in Astral (by @adriangaro)
- Feature: FVTT: Add basic support for doing native rolls in Foundry
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix OGL sheet template detection after Roll20’s change of design on March 28th 2021
- Bugfix: Remove support for Cleric’s Disciple of Life Handling as that feature is now supported directly by D&D Beyond (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix class features and traits displaying the wrong description
- Bugfix: Fix game log interfering with digital dice results detection by Beyond20
- Bugfix: Fix critical hit/fail detection on discarded and rerolled dice (Halfling Luck for example) (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Remove the addition of Wisdom modifier to Skill checks when using Otherwordly Glamour (added natively by D&D Beyond) (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix single roll options not getting reset after a roll if more than one toggle is enabled (by @IvanGirderboot)
- Bugfix: Fix Unarmed Fighting not being recognized as a melee attack (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix versatile weapon hotkey not overriding the versatile option in some situations
- Bugfix: Use keyboard code for hotkeys instead of character code, which fixes some hotkeys failing to trigger if Shift was pressed
- Bugfix: Fix negative modifiers turning into positive modifiers when additional modifiers were added to them
- Bugfix: Do not display Beyond20 notification when no VTT is found when doing a custom digital dice roll
- Bugfix: Do not add a quick roll trigger on the skills heading
- Bugfix: Fix support for Ranger’s Gathered Swarm which didn’t apply to actions and spells (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix damage scaling for Gathered Swarm after it changed from UA to official content (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix detection of some tools and instructions such as Kits, Supplies, Sets and Wagons.
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of monster attacks that are not ranged or melee (Piercer for example) (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of monster statblock damages that were using the Minus unicode character (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix detection of proficiency when rolling tools with Beyond20 (apply reliable talent for example) (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix invalid formulas when using custom modifiers
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix bug with converting DDB rolls into FVTT native rolls in some situations (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: FVTT: Use a different method of detecting FVTT tabs which doesn’t conflict with title modifying modules
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix compatibility with 0.8.0 for finding the world title
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix handling of temp HP updates
- Misc: Re-order character specific settings to be sorted more naturally
- Misc: Build a CI pipeline with Github Actions and remove dist folder from source repository
- Misc: Refactored special melee, ranged, weapon and spell attacks into more generic and less error-prone functions (by @KaKaRoTo and @Aeristoka)
- Misc: Add sponsored section to the website and sponsor links for The Forge and Toucan
v2.3.0 (December 8th 2020)
- Feature: Add a hotkeys manager to allow setting custom hotkeys for controlling Beyond20’s behavior🥳🎉
- Feature: Add the ability to enable/disable whisper via hotkey
- Feature: Add support for rolling with Super Advantage/Disadvantage (Elvin Accuracy) using a hotkey
- Feature: Add support for toggling one-handed/two-handed use of a weapon using hotkeys
- Feature: Add the ability to temporarily toggle any of the character specific settings via a hotkey
- Feature: Add the ability to add or subtract custom dice to rolls via hotkeys (Bless/Guidance/Bane/Bardic Inspiration/etc…)
- Feature: Add support for rolling weapons including special spell damages (greenflame blade, booming blade)
- Feature: Allow queuing up of rolls when the Digital Dice are enabled so all rolls are executed
- Feature: Add support for capturing and transferring digital dice rolled manually through D&D Beyond’s interface
- Feature: Add support for parsing the item customization options (Hex Weapon, Pact Weapon)
- Feature: Display a class feature’s choices (such as selected proficiency or the Monastic Tradition) when displaying a feature to the VTT
- Feature: Add option to hide from the player the results of a whispered roll that is sent to Discord (by @rispig)
- Feature: Add a notification when the class features are parsed so the user gets visual feedback when it’s done
- Feature: Wizard Bladesong: Support concentration constitution saves and adds the intelligence modifier (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Apply Great Weapon Master for the Polearm Master bonus action (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Paladin’s Oath of Devotion Sacred Weapons (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Ranger Fey Wanderer Otherworldly Glamour (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Cleric’s Blessed Strikes (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Sorcerer Trance of Order’s Clockwork Soul (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Druid Circle of Spore’s Symbiotic Entity (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Warlock Genie Patron’s Genie’s Wrath (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for the Eldritch Invocation: Lifedrinker (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Piercer feat (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Artificer’s Battlesmith arcane Jolt (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Roll20: Add option to display the full spell description on spell attacks (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix detection of the OGL sheet template after recent website design change
- Bugfix: Fix issue where the Beyond20 settings dialog was getting pasted into the chat area of a monster’s page when “More Options” is clicked
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of a vehicle’s action stations from the Extras tab of a character sheet
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of damages in monster actions when the average result isn’t included in the statblock (by @flangelier)
- Bugfix: Fix Alchemist Artificer: Alchemical Savant that was getting applied to non dice rolls (such as Aid) (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Add support for some older browser by ignoring features (custom notes) that depend on newer browser updates
- Bugfix: Avoid having the discord name overflowing to the right of the window if the selected friendly name is too long
- Bugfix: Set a maximum width to the discord combobox and add ellipsis to the name to prevent other option names from being unavailable
- Bugfix: Fix support for Fighter’s Giant Might, as the feature was renamed “Giant’s Might” (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix Ranger Fey Wanderer’s Dreadful Strikes to support the level scaling post UA (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix the Bard’s Psychic Blade’s support conflicting with the Rogue’s Psychic Blade class feature 🤦 (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of a monster’s skills, which were invalid in the encounter page due to a change in format
- Bugfix: Fix the hotkey to override the roll type being ignored if the “always ask” option is selected
- Bugfix: Fix the possibility of the roll icon reverting to ‘normal’ after pressing and releasing the shift/ctrl hotkey
- Bugfix: Only use the Sharpshooter/Great Weapon Master option if the character has the Feat
- Bugfix: Remove the dice icon on the “Display in VTT” button next to a monster’s avatar and change the styling of the button
- Bugfix: Fix rolls breaking if digital dice are enabled and the damage is a fixed value with no dice
- Bugfix: Fix dice rolls not detecting the critical fail/success and coloring the result in some situation with the Beyond20 roll renderer
- Bugfix: Fix critical damages not being rolled with digital dice disabled and using Beyond20 roll renderer
- Bugfix: Display the full spell card information from a monster page when using the “hide monster name” whisper name
- Bugfix: Fix custom messages not working properly if the whisper or roll type setting is set to “always ask”
- Bugfix: Fix unreliable support of Colossus slayer feat. Does not query anymore and is handled like Sneak Attack (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix rolls not being sent with the correct character “speaking as”
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix detection of some character names to speak rolls as by trimming leading and trailing spaces
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix custom chat messages not displaying correctly when using the Beyond20 roll renderer
- Bugfix: Astral: Changed implementation of roll buttons (when using digital dice) to work after reloading the page. They should work consistently now. (by @adriangaro)
- Bugfix: Astral: Fixed digital dice rolls / rendered rolls for Astral. Reverted to normal behaviour when no dice are rolled. (by @adriangaro)
- Bugfix: Astral: Fixed Astral access token acquisition in some specific edge cases. (by @adriangaro)
- Bugfix: Astral: Fixed some issues related to slow loading of chat widget in Astral. (by @adriangaro)
- Bugfix: Astral: Changed rendered roll formulas in Astral using the syntax recommended by @Redmega. (by @adriangaro)
- Bugfix: Astral: Fixed some errors related to speak as character functionality. (by @adriangaro)
- Misc: Clarify the text for the “click the features and traits” alert on new character sheets (by @Aeristoka)
- Misc: Remove the mention from the “send custom notes” feature information that falsely stated being supported on Roll20 only
- Misc: Rename the “Fighter: Sharpshooter” option to “Feat: Sharpshooter” to be more accurate
- Misc: Rename the “Rage: You are raging” option to “Barbarian: Rage!” to be more in line with other options formatting
- Misc: Add an information banner in the extension popup on non D&D Beyond and VTT pages to decrease confusion on how to use the extension
- Misc: Updated to the website’s FAQ
v2.2.1 (October 4th 2020)
- Feature: Make the quick roll tooltip stay longer after hover to more easily interact with it
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix issue preventing rolls from appearing on Roll20 when the character sheet template isn’t OGL
- Bugfix: Fix missing “Roll Damages” button when auto-roll-damages is disabled
- Bugfix: Fix issue preventing damage-only rolls from working if auto-roll-damages was disabled
- Bugfix: Fix a possible crash when rolling an attack that has no damage
- Bugfix: Fix the roll formula being incorrect when having both Reliable Talent/Silver Tongue class feature and Halfling Luck
- Bugfix: Do not bind the quick roll area to the versatile damage digital dice button as it can be confusing
- Bugfix: Move the quick roll tooltip to appear on the left/right for the to-hit and damage roll areas to avoid overlapping with D&D Beyond’s tooltip for damage type
- Bugfix: Fix Elemental Adept class feature rolling an incorrect damage formula when the spell includes static modifiers
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix the independent to-hit and damage rolls rolling the full attack on Roll20 with digital dice disabled
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix possible race condition with chrome extensions that may prevent proper detection of OGL sheet template use in a campaign
v2.2 (October 3rd 2020)
- Feature: Add support for Astral Tabletop (by @adriangaro)
- Feature: Add support for rolling instruments as tools (by @John-Paul-R)
- Feature: Add ability to roll attack and damage separately from the quick-rolls area
- Feature: Roll20: Add ability to use the OGL sheet when rolling with Digital Dice enabled
- Feature: Improve the Digital Dice notification to show only the first full roll with modifiers
- Feature: Add an alert to the user to remind them to visit the Features & Traits page when the sheet is new or after a level up
- Feature: Add a setting for overriding the critical limit on attacks (for magical/homebrew items that grant that ability)
- Feature: Add “Roll Twice” as an option when querying the user for the roll type
- Feature: Set the “Normal Roll” as the first/default option when query the user for the roll type
- Feature: Show indicator of adv/disadv when rolling initiative as it rolls as a single formula
- Feature: Add support for displaying an Artificer’s infusions
- Feature: Add support for displaying the background feature to VTT
- Feature: Add Beyond20 dice icons to roll from the action/feature snippets directly
- Feature: Move the user query for advantage/disadvantage roll to the D&D Beyond page
- Feature: Move the user query for custom skills to the D&D Beyond page
- Feature: Move the user query for rolling tools and instruments to the D&D Beyond page
- Feature: Add a “Use Tool” and “Use Instrument” button for tools and instrument items
- Feature: Save the last choice made by the user in the whisper/advantage query dialogs
- Feature: Add ability to send custom chat messages/macros to VTT when doing a roll (by @John-Paul-R)
- Feature: Roll the Spell Attack as a full attack instead of a custom d20 modifier. Allows use of the advantage settings
- Feature: Add the ability to switch the D&D Beyond sidebar to the selected spell’s level when clicking on a spell which is the same as the one already displayed, but at a different level
- Feature: Add support for Halfling Luck feature
- Feature: Add support for Fey Wanderer’s Dreadful Strikes (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Barbarian’s Indomitable Might (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for fighter’s Remarkable Athlete (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Alchemist Artificer’s Alchemical Savant (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Artificer’s Armorer Power Armor attacks (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Oath of Conquest: Invincible Conqueror (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Wildfire Druid: Enhanced Bond (by @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for conditionally enabling the Divine Fury class feature
- Feature: FVTT: Add support for Foundry VTT 0.7.x
- Feature: FVTT: Call a hook with the roll request data to let modules handle intercept and handle the roll instead (to allow for native rolls)
- Bugfix: Fix rolling spells multiple times when using the cast button after changing the spell level
- Bugfix: Don’t query for roll type when rolling initiative with “roll twice” set, and instead only add the first result to tracker
- Bugfix: Fix the Display Avatar option not sending the avatar to discord when rolling to Roll20/FVTT at the same time
- Bugfix: Fix detecting the character’s level when they’ve reached level 20 on XP progression, as the XP bar gets filled instead of showing level 20
- Bugfix: When digital dice are enabled, move the quick roll area for abilities to the digital dice button
- Bugfix: Set the quick roll area to the correct section of the sheet when the sheet is configured to show the modifier in the primary abilities box
- Bugfix: Add quick roll to the initiative button in mobile layout
- Bugfix: Don’t roll crit damage on conditional damage of a monster statblock that applies on a saving throw
- Bugfix: Fix detecting the Escape DC for attacks from monster stat blocks
- Bugfix: Fix rolls with invalid modifier for attacks in monster stat blocks that do not have a to-hit value
- Bugfix: Fix the missing comma separating saving throws in a monster stat block after Beyond20 adds its dice
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of skills with spaces (‘Sleight of hand’, ‘Animal Handling’) in a monster stat block
- Bugfix: Fix display of damages in Roll20 when using the roll renderer, for multiple damages of the same type
- Bugfix: Do not add a “Roll Damages” button if auto-roll-damages is disabled but the attack has no damages
- Bugfix: Add support for Paladin’s Improved Divine Smite when used with Polearm Master Bonus Attack (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix Polearm Master Bonus Attack not applying for Tavern Brawler Strikes (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix Polearm Master Bonus Attack not applying Paladin’s Improved Divine Smite (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix Polearm Master Bonus Attack not applying Great Weapon Fighting rerolls (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix Polearm Master Bonus Attack not applying for Tavern Brawler Strikes (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of character level when using XP-based progression (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix Discord logo overlapping over the settings description (by @John-Paul-R)
- Bugfix: Fix popup content overlapping the header in the quick settings dialog (by @John-Paul-R)
- Bugfix: Fix item description not properly replacing all html entities (by @John-Paul-R)
- Bugfix: Fix quick roll notification being shifted down if a banner is shown on D&D Beyond site
- Bugfix: Fix monster parsing when an attack has no damage
- Bugfix: Use local storage for storing settings, which should fix settings not saving for some users
- Bugfix: Hide the character’s name in conditions display if it appears twice when the player speaks as the character (by @macmaxbh)
- Bugfix: Fix “Force Critical” not working for characters with Improved Critical feature
- Bugfix: Apply Great Weapon Fighting to brutal damage dice
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix updating token health for Simple Worldbuilding System
- Bugfix: FVTT: Only update tokens HP for tokens that the user owns
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix detection of critical hits on 0.7.x
- Bugfix: FVTT: Force the dice details in the tooltips to be auto expanded
- Bugfix: Prevent custom dice from affecting the critical failure/critical success state of attack rolls
- Bugfix: Fix “Artificer Chaos Bolt” and Izzet Engineer background and spell sources not being detected correctly (by @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix handle of special features that depend on an ability being used, when doing a custom skill or tool roll
- Bugfix: Fix Advantage/Disadvantage badges on skills not being applied anymore (by @Aeristoka)
- Misc: Improve FAQ about using Beyond20 with Foundry VTT (by @shadow7412)
- Misc: FVTT: Do not use Foundry VTT 0.7.x deprecated APIs based on the running version
- Misc: Remove testimonials from site’s main page and add link to reviews instead
- Misc: Add banner/ad for The Forge to the main site
v2.1.1 (July 11th 2020)
- Feature: Add synchronization of D&D Beyond’s combat tracker with Roll20’s Combat tracker (By @shadow7412)
- Feature: Add support for the Wizard’s Bladesong class feature (By @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Aarakocra Talons as Natural Weapons (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix incorrect detection of “To Hit” values (spells in action page and customized weapons)
- Bugfix: Prevent initiative rolls from being sent twice
- Bugfix: Fix HP not syncing immediately if applying damage/healing from the main page directly
- Bugfix: Roll20: Show the spell’s name when rolling a spell without to-hit using the Beyond20 renderer
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix “Display in VTT” for a monster’s avatar when using the Beyond20 renderer
v2.1 (July 8th 2020)
- Feature: Add Quick Roll Area to the Digital Dice buttons for “To Hit” and “Damages” in Actions and Spells tabs
- Feature: Add support for the Bard’s Silver Tongue class feature (By @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Natural Weapons (Claws, Bites, Tails, Ram, Horns, Hooves, etc..) (By @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Dragon’s Breath Spell attack (By @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Path of the Zealot’s Divine Fury (By @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Use a slightly less biased random number generator (1 in a few trillion chances of having a biased result) (By @shadow7412)
- Feature: FVTT: Save Roll information in ChatMessage (allows interoperability with Dice So Nice module) (By @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Make Quick Roll icon clickable and change the mouse pointer when hovering on it
- Feature: Change the Quick Roll tooltip’s arrow to point to the quick roll area instead of the tooltip itself, to avoid confusion
- Feature: Make Quick Roll areas show a clickable mouse pointer
- Feature: Hide monster names when showing their avatars in whisper mode
- Feature: Query for whisper type on the D&D Beyond page instead of the VTT which allows the “Ask every time” option to work with Discord integration
- Feature: Add hint in the settings popup about the Shift/Ctrl/Alt hotkey for changing the roll type
- Feature: Add support for monster that do multiple damages of a single type (Orc War Chief)
- Bugfix: Fix support for the new Character Sheet update of D&D Beyond’s 7th of July update
- Bugfix: Fix adding the initiative to the initiative tracker when using the Digital Dice
- Bugfix: Fix Cast button not working when using the Quick Roll area to click on it
- Bugfix: Fix issue with rolling hit dice (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix issue with Polearm Master Bonus attack and Great Weapon Fighting (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix issue preventing Chaos Bolt from working properly (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix issue with Brutal Critical/Savage Attacks when using “Perfect Dice” critical homebrew rules (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix custom damage parsing when using “:” as separator without a space (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix roll type query not appearing when a skill check has an advantage/disadvantage badge (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix display issue with some sentences that were garbles after the python to javascript conversion
- Bugfix: Fix issue with separate roll damages breaking when character’s name has a quotation mark in it
- Bugfix: Small fix to quick roll tooltip position so it is better centered
- Bugfix: Fix initiative value not updating when switching between statblocks in the Encounters page
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of some monster stat blocks that had non-breaking spaces in their actions’ descriptions
- Bugfix: Fix issue of displaying results of zero when doing a monster’s attack that has a to-hit value but no damages
- Bugfix: Fix issue with rolling actions that have “–” as their “To Hit” value (Fist of Unbroken Air)
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix newly introduced bug where custom roll modifiers that uses queries may not change the roll to display as a critical hit when it’s not
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix bug where damages could not be rolled separately on a monster with “Hide Monster and Attack Name” whisper mode
- Bugfix: Roll20: Show critical success/failure colored results on rolls using the Beyond20 roll renderer
- Bugfix: Roll20: Change the Beyond20 renderer display so it doesn’t say “To Hit” on non attack rolls
- Bugfix: Roll20: Add the “Roll Damages” button when using the Beyond20 renderer with the ‘auto roll damages’ option disables
- Misc: Improved and more standard build and packaging process (By @moritonal )
v2.0 (June 2nd 2020)
- Feature: Add integration with the D&D Beyond Digital Dice
- Feature: Update the Beyond20 icon sets to make them more beautiful and usable at low resolutions. Icons provided by Jerry Escandon
- Feature: Discord: Add a channel manager for Discord secret keys to allow easily switching channel destinations](https://github.com/Brunhine))
- Feature: Discord: Add support for whispered rolls in the Discord integration
- Feature: Roll20: Automatically check for character sheet template and display the roll according to the campaign setting
- Feature: Add quick roll button to Initiative
- Feature: Add ability to send pre-rolled dice using the Digital Dice to Foundry and Roll20
- Feature: Discord: Add support for customizing rolls (no spoiler tags) when requesting a secret key from the Discord Bot
- Feature: Discord: Hide monster name, attack and formulas on Discord rolls when using the “hide monster name” whisper mode (By [@Brunhin
- Feature: Discord: Add support for linking back to the character, spell and item, when rolling to discord
- Feature: Add ability to display a monster avatar in the VTT (By @Brunhine)
- Feature: Roll20: Add custom modifiers to the display of the modifier field in Roll20 rolls (by @spisin)
- Feature: Allow the use of reroll modifiers on custom dice formulas
- Feature: Differentiate between one handed and two handed damages for versatile weapons when rolling both damage types
- Feature: Detect Advantage/Disadvantage indicator on skills and apply them to skill checks (By @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add the proper modifiers to a Fighter’s Parry and Rally maneuvers
- Feature: Differentiate between Brutal Critical damages and Savage Attacks damages (By @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Consider Unarmed Strike as natural weapons for class features that affect weapon attacks (brutal critical, giant might, etc..) (By @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for roll formulas in descriptions of the form “+ half your
level” - Feature: Add support for Ranger’s Colossus Slayer class feature (By @Brunhine)
- Feature: Add support for Ranger’s Planar Warrior class feature (By @Brunhine)
- Feature: Add support for Protector Aasimar’s Radiant Soul class feature (By @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Flames of Phlegethos Feat (By @Aeristoka)
- Feature: Add support for Ranger’s Slayer’s Prey class feature
- Feature: Add support for Ranger’s Gathered Swarm class feature
- Feature: Add support for Cleric’s Supreme Healing class feature
- Feature: Add support for Rogue’s Reliable Talent class feature
- Feature: Add support for the Elemental Adept Feat
- Bugfix: Fix some edge cases in roll formula formatting in ability descriptions (By @Brunhine)
- Bugfix: Fix Fighter’s Giant Might class feature not scaling its dice properly at level 11 (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix Cleric’s Divine Strike to work for non melee weapons as well (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix handling of Great Weapon Fighting for the Polearm Master bonus action (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Roll Sneak Attack damages on Psychic Blades action (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Fix saving throws quick roll not working anymore (By @kbuzsaki)
- Bugfix: Do not display duplicate custom dice icons in the class features list
- Bugfix: Fix the integrated dice roller not rolling ‘d4’ formulas (instead of ‘1d4’) such as in the Bless spell
- Bugfix: Apply Great Weapon Fighting rerolls to a weapon’s additional damages
- Bugfix: Fix Cleric’s Life Transference damage being wrongly calculated
- Bugfix: Fix custom damage labels being ignored for spells and actions
- Bugfix: Fix class feature descriptions not being properly displayed
- Bugfix: Fix rolling tools from Equipment due to change in equipment type
- Bugfix: Roll20: Prevent multiple dice rolls in a single formula from appearing as separate formulas
- Bugfix: Foundry VTT: Fix add to initiative breaking with 0.6.0 release (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Foundry VTT: Fix applying damage or healing to a token from a custom roll
- Bugfix: Foundry VTT: Fix condition syncing with tokens (By @Brunhine)
- Bugfix: Foundry VTT: Fix PC/NPC Names being displayed in lowercase (By @Aeristoka)
- Bugfix: Foundry VTT: Fix loading the Beyond20 setting icon in whitelisted pages
- Bugfix: Discord: Use the correct URL for Discord monster link back when rolling from encounter pages
- Bugfix: Discord: Send the correct whisper setting when sending the roll to Discord
- Bugfix: Discord: Fix displaying Equipment and Magic Items to Discord
- Misc: Major rewrite of the Beyond20 extension to use pure Javascript instead of Rapydscript language
- Misc: Allow Beyond20 to work within iframes (By @Ainias)
- Misc: Remove roll type indicators and use the new badge icons to represent the roll type
- Misc: Change internal dice formula reference to be more streamlined and independent of specific VTT implementations
- Misc: Make the quick roll icon remain fixed in place and disappear with a small delay
- Misc: Fix some dice rolls failing on pre-v3 D&D Beyond character sheets (irrelevant at this point)
v1.1 (April 9th 2020)
- Feature: Add support for the new D&D Beyond character sheet layout
- Feature: Save and cache spell modifiers/attack/save DC information from character sheets
- Feature: Add support for dice formulas using “+ your spell save DC” or “+ your Wizard spell attack”, etc..
- Feature: Add ability to specify the damage type in custom damage formulas
- Bugfix: Always round initiative value to decimal when using the tie breaker option
- Bugfix: Don’t send HP update information to VTT if HP syncing is disabled
- Bugfix: Remove trailing spaces from character names to avoid issues with HP syncing name match
- Bugfix: Fix damage total calculation breaking when enabling Rage
- Bugfix: Fix damage total calculation breaking when enabling Sharpshooter
- Bugfix: Fix statblock detection for character sheet creatures when using the integrated dice roller
- Bugfix: Fix issue with the “Send rolls to” being reset to an invalid value when changing settings
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix detection of FVTT tab when using a route prefix
- Misc: Fix Donate button size being too big in the popout dialog in non-dnd/roll20/fvtt websites
- Misc: Chrome: Add permissions for forge-vtt.com as I prepare for using a new domain
v1.0 (March 16th 2020)
- Feature: Added Discord integration via the new Beyond20 Discord Bot!
- Feature: Add setting for adding a dexterity tie breaker to initiative rolls (Contributed by Jeremy ‘@jaypoulz’ Poulin)
- Feature: Track the monster stat blocks from the new encounter page and combat tracker
- Feature: Add support for parsing the avatar of the character/monster and preview image of attacks/items/spells (used in Discord integration)
- Feature: Improved dice formula parsing for D&D Beyond integrated dice roller
- Feature: Use “Display in VTT” button only for spells/items that do not generate attack or damage rolls
- Feature: Add support for parsing “+ your AC” or “+ your Armor Class” dice formulas in description text
- Feature: Allow manually selected super-advantage to remain active when rolling with features that force advantage (such as the Rogue’s Assassinate)
- Feature: Roll20: Improve display of Temp HP when assigned to a token bar
- Feature: FVTT: Add support for HP sync with worlds using the Simple Worldbuilding System
- Bugfix: Fix Quick Roll feature not working properly for spells when character has available spell slots
- Bugfix: Fix rolling attack roll for weapons affected by magic items
- Bugfix: Reset roll type key modifiers (shift, alt, ctrl) when window is unfocused to prevent wrong state in cases of Ctrl-Tab for example
- Bugfix: Fix support for disadvantage key modifier with Ctrl/Cmd on Mac OS
- Bugfix: Fix the use of the proper modifier in formulas that have “+ your proficiency bonus”
- Bugfix: Apply Hexblade’s Curse critical hit on 19 for all attacks, not only weapon attacks
- Bugfix: Fix Monster skill checks not adding the modifier when rolled from the new Encounters page
- Bugfix: Fix rolling of weapons with no item properties, such as Maces
- Bugfix: Fix negative modifiers not being applied to damages when using integrated roller
- Bugfix: Consider Vehicle stat blocks as Monsters with regards to the whisper monster rolls setting
- Bugfix: Don’t consider the “0 hit points by this damage” for the Demon Grinder Vehicle as a damage of type “hit points by this”
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix syncing of temp HP with token bars
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix updating initiative on combatants already in encounter
- Bugfix: Firefox: Fix condition tracking not working properly
- Misc: Various small miscellaneous fixes
- Misc: Add The Forge (https://forgevtt.com) as a whitelisted FVTT server for Chrome
- Misc: Add transparency to the roll type indicator to make it less conspicuous
v0.9 (February 13th 2020)
- Feature: Add indicator on roll buttons to identify the roll type (advantage, disadvantage, roll twice, etc…)
- Feature: Add synchronization of Temporary HP to tokens and character sheets in Roll20 and FVTT
- Feature: Add support for HP and Temp HP synchronization for character sheet creatures from the Extra section
- Feature: Add a “Display to VTT” button on Equipment and Magic Items pages of D&D Beyond
- Feature: Support rolling with Advantage when clicking with the Shift button pressed
- Feature: Support rolling with Disadvantage when clicking with the Ctrl button pressed
- Feature: Support rolling normally (with no advantage/disadvantage/double rolls) when clicking with the Alt button pressed
- Feature: Firefox: Add buttons to access Quick Settings menu from Firefox (added for Chrome in v0.7 but finally got it working for Firefox)
- Feature: Add option to force an auto-crit on all attacks (against paralyzed enemies for example)
- Feature: Add the ability to roll multiple separate custom damage dice, by separating them with a comma (for use with Green-flame Blade for example)
- Feature: Add support for spells that add Temp HP instead of healing (such as False Life)
- Feature: Add support for Polearm Master Feat, which considers the bonus action as melee
- Feature: Add support for Fighter’s UA Rune Knight’s Giant Might class feature
- Feature: Add support for Artificer’s Arcane Firearm class feature
- Feature: Add support for Draconic Sorcerer’s Elemental Affinity class feature
- Feature: Add support for rolling the Bardic Inspiration dice, and Blade Flourishes for the College of Swords
- Feature: Add support for Cleri’s Divine Strike class feature
- Feature: Add support for Whispers Bard’s Psychic Blades class feature
- Feature: Add Attack buttons to roll the to-hit with damage on the various object sizes in the Animate Objects spell description
- Bugfix: Fix custom/concentration/ritual Spells and custom weapons which to-hit value was not being parsed properly due to a DNDB website change
- Bugfix: Fix quick roll tooltip from being at the wrong position when the page was not scrolled to the top
- Bugfix: Fix character settings not being saved properly. Caused double output of conditions on Firefox
- Bugfix: Support parsing of monster statblocks from the new My Encounters popup window for monsters
- Bugfix: More lax statblock parsing, which fixes the actions from monster ‘Orcus’ not being parsed properly
- Bugfix: Reroll all the dice in a critical hit if a custom dice formula had additive dice formulas
- Bugfix: Fix “Display to VTT” button position for Spell pages
- Bugfix: Roll20: Use /me instead of /emas for condition mapping if user is not a GM as /emas is a GM-exclusive command
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix HP syncing for actors when the scene doesn’t have a token of the character sheet on it
- Misc: Make the Quick Rolls tooltip move with the mouse, as some people were confused by its position, not understanding it was a tooltip
- Misc: Make the D&D Beyond Dice roller animation less flashy and quicker to appear
- Misc: Added the ‘sponsor’ button on the github page, and registered for the Github Sponsors program
v0.8 (December 6th 2019)
- Feature: Add Quick Rolls feature to quickly roll skills, attacks, spells from the main page directly
- Feature: Add support for Super Advantage and Super Disadvantage rolls
- Feature: Track Character Condition changes and display them in the VTT
- Feature: Add roll type option of always rolling three twice instead of twice (For Elven Accuracy Feat; limited support on Roll20)
- Feature: Cache the To-Hit value of weapons attacks so they can be rolled from the Equipment page
- Feature: Add support for the Paladin’s Improved Divine Smite extra radiant damage
- Feature: Add support for special spell: Absorb Elements (Doesn’t duplicate all the damage types)
- Feature: Add support for special spell: Life Transference (Shows healing amount on FVTT, clarifies the value on Roll20)
- Feature: Add support for special spell: Toll the Dead (Queries if the target is missing hit points)
- Feature: Roll20: When rolling initiative with ‘add to tracker’ enabled and ‘roll twice’ (or thrice), queries the user for advantage mode
- Feature: FVTT: Map Character Conditions to status effects (Requires Beyond20 FVTT module version 0.7+)
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix the ‘incognito’ whisper mode where the monster name was leaked with the ‘Speaking As’ feature
- Bugfix: Fix inability to roll when opening the character sheet for the first time with a mobile or tablet layout
- Bugfix: Fix duplication of the “Roll initiative” lines in stat blocks when switching monsters in the My Encounters page
- Bugfix: Fix the spell name for concentration or ritual spells since the recent change to D&D Beyond content
- Bugfix: Fix Great Weapon Fighting dice reroll being mistakenly applied on some two-handed non-melee weapons
- Bugfix: Fix the spell level/school display missing spaces introduced in the recent code refactor of v0.7
- Bugfix: Fix character action list not being properly cached which may lead to loss of character options on mobile
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of stat block attacks for Clay Gladiator and Scout which had typos in the official D&D Beyond pages
- Bugfix: Fix Spell Attack roll which show displayed the modifier instead of rolling the 1d20
- Bugfix: FVTT: Fix dice roll formulas in descriptions not being clickable in FVTT 0.4.x
- Bugfix: Dice Roller: Fix display bug on rolls after opening the quick settings dialog
- Bugfix: Fix full settings window opening donate link inside the iframe instead of a new tab
v0.7 (November 19th 2019)
- Feature: Add a Dice Roller within D&D Beyond for players not using Roll20 or FVTT
- Feature: Add option for alternate critical damage calculations based on common homebrew rules
- Feature: Add an ‘incognito’ monster whisper mode where rolls are displayed but monster name and action names are hidden
- Feature: Add a ‘Roll Initiative’ button to monster/vehicle stat blocks (rolls dexterity but allows adding to tracker)
- Feature: Add a “Roll Twice” option when querying the user for advantage.
- Feature: Chrome: Add a Beyond 20 button to D&D Beyond and VTT pages for easy access to quick settings
- Feature: Open the ‘More Options’ link as dialogs within the page instead of opening the browser’s extension page
- Feature: Add support for Bloodhunter’s Crimson Rite feature
- Feature: Add support for Ranger’s Dread Ambusher feature
- Feature: Add support for Paladin’s Legendary Strike (UA) feature
- Feature: Add support for Warlock’s Hexblade’s Curse feature
- Feature: Add support for Rogue’s Assassinate feature
- Feature: FVTT & Dice Roller: Standardize appearance of chat messages when using simple rolls
- Feature: FVTT & Dice Roller: When rolling with advantage/disadvantage, display both rolls instead of only the result
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix Brutal Critical/Savage Attacks brutal damage not being rolled on some critical rolls
- Bugfix: Roll20: It seems Beyond 20 now works in Roll20’s popped out chat window
- Bugfix: FVTT: Show the world’s title instead of its name in the browser’s tab title
- Bugfix: FVTT: Critical hits of 18 or 19 (due to Improved or Superior Critical features) now appear green as expected
- Bugfix: Make parser for monster actions in stat blocks less rigid so it can find action names in some homebrew monsters
- Bugfix: Fix item/feature or spell descriptions not being properly displayed when they contain lists
- Misc: Use non-intrusive notification when opening a character sheet and no VTT window is found
- Misc: Add monster specific options to a monster page’s quick settings menu
- Misc: Fix typos of “Save Attacks” instead of “Savage Attacks”
- Misc: Using the new in-page quick settings dialog, setting a custom dice formula and dismissing the dialog will now accept the change
- Misc: Updated donate link to redirect to beyond20.here-for-more.info/rations instead of paypal.me/kakaroto
- Misc: FVTT: Major refactor of how message rendering is done internally to allow for the dice roller to work
v0.6 (September 20th 2019)
- Feature: Roll Spells from Monster stat blocks without opening the spell in a separate window
- Feature: Add roll buttons on non-weapon actions of monster stat blocks (Legendary actions or a Dragon’s Fearful Presence/Breath attack for example)
- Feature: Add support for Vehicle/Ship weapons
- Feature: Add support for Infernal machines from Baldur’s Gate: Descent to Avernus
- Feature: Add escape DC parsing in monster stat blocks (when grappling).
- Feature: Alert when trying to roll while no VTT window is found or configured to receive the rolls
- Feature: Add a “Display in VTT” button for rollable actions
- Feature: Add support for rerolling 1 and 2 damage dice for Great Weapon Fighting
- Feature: FVTT: Play dice sound when rolling dice
- Feature: FVTT: Make all rolls as out-of-character messages so they appear with the colored border of the character (v0.3.7+)
- Bugfix: Fix damage detection in monster stat block where for example a “DC 13 saving throw or take half damage” could be mistaken for 13 damage of type “saving throw or take half”
- Bugfix: FVTT: Update initiative in combat if rolled more than once
- Bugfix: FVTT: Do the proper damage calculations when using the ‘Apply Damage’ context option on chat messages
- Bugfix: FVTT: Re-calculate total damages when rolling damage multiple times with the ‘Roll Damages’ button (Auto-roll disabled)
- Bugfix: FVTT: Do not re-roll damages the first time we click on ‘Roll Damages’ (gives proper dice values and damage types for Chaos Bolt for example)
v0.5 (August 13th 2019)
- Feature: Roll the appropriate die when clicking on a Superiority Die or Maneuvers feature instead of displaying its description
- Feature: Query for skill and proficiency when rolling a tool from the equipment
- Feature: Improve support for casting Chaos Bolt spell.
- Feature: FVTT: Add custom support for Chromatic Orb and Chaos Bolt spells.
- Bugfix: Fix rolling from spell pages not working anymore
- Bugfix: Roll damages even without a “To-Hit” for Custom Actions
- Bugfix: FVTT: Clicking ‘Roll Damages’ when auto-roll damage is disabled will now re-roll the damage dice.
- Misc: Decrease Chrome extension permissions and require manual activation for FVTT installations (See Release Notes for more information)
- Misc: Replace all remaining occurrences of “Roll20” with “VTT”
v0.4 (July 3rd 2019)
- Feature: Add option to decide if character is using one-handed or two-handed versatile weapons
- Feature: FVTT: query for advantage and custom skills.
- Feature: FVTT: Replace dice in description text.
- Feature: FVTT: Add support for the auto-roll damage option
- Feature: FVTT: Nicer display output for rolls
- Feature: Add “Roll20 Template” option in the Roll20 popup menu
- Bugfix: Fix non-visible messages on Roll20 when using other templates even if template is set to ‘Other templates’
- Bugfix: No need to roll critical damages for spells that have no ‘to-hit’. Fixes 3d Dice rolls doubled on healing spells.
- Bugfix: Fix spell attack dice disappearing
- Misc: Remove the green/red on death saving throws above/below 10 as it was apparently confusing to players (might re-add as an option).
v0.3 (June 18th 2019)
- Feature: Support for sending the rolls to Foundry Virtual TableTop (FVTT) as an alternative to Roll20
- Feature: The Whisper rolls Yes/No option has now become a Yes/No/Query where it can now prompt the user on every roll
- Feature: The Roll Advantage Yes/No Option has now become a Normal/Double/Query/Advantage/Disadvantage option
- Feature: Add support for Melee/Ranged Spell attack actions for monster stat blocks.
- Feature: Parse “+ your
level" or "+ your bonus" to the dice formula parsing algorithm. - Feature: Support the new “My Encounters” website format since the recent D&D Beyond update.
- Bugfix: Roll20: Fix HP syncing when it didn’t always update the HP in the character sheet itself.
- Bugfix: Make attack buttons in monster stat blocks styled correctly after D&D Beyond removed the CSS for it
- Bugfix: Fix action descriptions having extra spaces in a monster stat block
- Bugfix: Fix damage for actions (like Unarmed attacks) when a custom dice is set.
- Bugfix: More relaxed monster action parsing algorithm to work better with homebrewed monsters.
v0.2 (May 29th 2019)
- Feature: Add per character custom roll and damage dice formulas
- Feature: Add option to disable auto-roll damage and crit dice
- Feature: Add support for the Fighter’s Improved Critical and Superior Critical features
- Feature: Add support for the Barbarian’s Brutal Critical and Half-Orc’s Savage Attacks features
- Feature: Add support for Barbarian Rage (damage and advantage on STR rolls)
- Feature: Add special support for Chromatic Orb spell to ask for the damage type to use
- Feature: Add support for rolling abilities on Vehicles
- Bugfix: Fix Jack of All Trades being broken in v0.1
- Bugfix: Fix clicking the Display button executing the roll too
- Bugfix: Fix dice replacement in monster pages if the feature/action name has a “+X” in it
- Bugfix: Fix encounter page not being handled if navigated to from the my-encounters page directly
- Bugfix: Disable options until settings are loaded to avoid changing an option then getting it overwritten
- Misc: Per user request, updated Donate link to one that allows paying with credit cards
- Misc: HP syncing is now a global setting instead of a per-character setting
- Misc: Clean up of quick settings window to make room for more per-character options
v0.1 (May 21st 2019)
- Feature: Full support for Monster stat blocks and character Creatures (roll for Abilities, Saves, Skills and Weapon attacks)
- Feature: Add support for rolling monsters from the My Encounters page
- Feature: Add support for rolling dice and display spell cards from Spell pages
- Feature: Add Class/Racial Features parsing and new options for using Sharpshooter and Great Weapon Master Feats
- Feature: Add option to choose what components to display during a spell attack
- Misc: Major improvement to the way rolls are displayed when clicked from descriptions in the Roll20 chat
- Misc: Only allow Disciple of Life option if the Cleric is of the Life domain
- Misc: Change the way Sneak attack bonus is sent so it also gets doubled if Crit
v0.0.9 (May 19th 2019)
- Feature: Add preliminary Monster and Creatures support (only dice formulas are clickable for now)
- Bugfix: Fix Firefox support which got completely broken in 0.0.8
- Bugfix: Correctly fix the HP syncing feature and add support for HP=0.
- Bugfix: Fix wrong damage value in with weapons that have multiple types of damages
- Bugfix: Fix critical damage rolls for multi-damage attacks
v0.0.8.1 (Firefox-only)
- Bugfix: Fix bug where HP management only works if VTT ES extension is installed
v0.0.8 (May 18th 2019)
- Feature: Add support for HP management (Requires VTT ES extension installed, for now)
- Feature: Add ability to select which Roll20 page to send the rolls to
- Feature: Add per-character settings to roll Sneak Attack, Disciple of Life, Jack of all Trades
- Feature: Add roll dice icon to spell attack modifier
- Misc: Brand new website!
v0.0.7 (May 15th 2019)
- Feature: Add support for Firefox
- Feature: Add a “Display in Roll20” button for weapons and attack spells
- Feature: Add support for custom skills
- Bugfix: Don’t roll the second dice in 3D dice roller if not rolling with advantage
- Bugfix: Fix damage output with multiple additional damages in custom weapons
- Bugfix: Fix GreenFlame Blade damage output when level < 5
v0.0.6 (May 9th 2019)
- Feature: Add option to send initiative to the turn tracker
- Feature: Add support for Firefox and fix firefox specific issues
- Bugfix: Fix 1d20 added to spell description for +x modifiers
- Misc: Change the “First/Second Roll” for other templates into a better name
v0.0.5 (May 7th 2019)
- Bugfix: Fix issue with settings getting reset if we modify an option in the toolbar popup
- Misc: Change tag names for default template rolls to make them more readable
v0.0.4 (May 7th 2019)
- Feature: Add support for other roll20 character sheet templates
- Bugfix: Fix custom dice formulas getting messed up if we change spell level casting
v0.0.3 (May 6th 2019)
- Feature: Add option to disable substitution of dice formulas
- Feature: Add option for critical hit prefix
- Bugfix: Fix dice formula detection
v0.0.2 (May 6th 2019)
- Feature: Add a settings window and a popup menu to quickly change settings
- Feature: Add option to not always roll with advantage
- Feature: Inject into shared D&D Beyond character sheet, not just our own creations
- Feature: Switch to page actions (toolbar icon highlighted only on dndbeyond and roll20 pages)
- Bugfix: Fix double roll of equipment items when clicking on the beyond20 button in the top-right
v0.0.1 (May 5th 2019)
- Initial release with support for all types of roles
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Powered by Foundry VTT, it brings a ton of improvements and makes using the VTT as easy as using Beyond20.
A special thank you to all the contributors, Discord moderators and other team members who are donating their time to continually keep Beyond20 improving. ❤